Terry wrote:
> Yes David, I believe that. All have sinned, 
> everyone deserves to go to Hell, whether it 
> is one sin or a thousand.

I understand that all have sinned and deserve Hell, but what you said
before concerning inadvertently slipping over the speed limit a few mph
was, "If that were the only sin you ever committed, it would send you to
Hell..."  That's a tough line to tote.  What kind of God would think
this way?

Terry wrote:
> Annanias and Sapphira tell a little lie.  No one 
> was hurt by it.  Kinda like doing 57 in a 55 zone.  
> Before the day is over they are dead and buried.

Woe!  Hold on there good buddy.  Lying to the Holy Ghost is kind of like
doing 57 in a 55 zone?  I don't think so.  Ananias and Sapphira are
burning in hell, as they should be for lying to the Holy Ghost.  But how
is it you consider this kind of like doing 57 in a 55 zone?  I'm way out
in left field from you on this one.  Give me some time to pray about
this and think about this.  My head is spinning.  I can't fathom this
kind of thinking.  No offense to you.  The problem must be with me.  I'm
just kind of speechless and trying to figure out what must be wrong with

Terry wrote:
> Starting to get the picture?  When God says 
> something, He means it. 

I have no problem understanding that when God says something, he means
it.  No question that we must obey Him.  The question doesn't concern
what God says, but how violating inadvertently what man says equates to
sin.  Jesus can heal on the Sabbath, contrary to the laws of men, and
his apostles can pluck ears of corn, contrary to the laws of men, and
his apostles can eat without washing first, contrary to the laws of men,
but if we slip over the speed limit a few mph, and that is the only
thing we have ever done wrong, we will go to hell?  That's what I'm
having trouble understanding.  Bear with me.  I'm still assimilating.
:-)  All I can say right now is Wow.  You have impressed me.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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