Terry wrote:
> The law says fifty-five. You drive fifty-seven.  
> Bingo! You have broken the law, just as surely 
> as if you deliberately drove ninety.  

I'm not sure we are going to get anywhere discussing this, but I'm going
to try yet again.  Your statement above has everything to do with the
Sabbath dispute on this forum.  It clearly exemplifies the difference
between legalism and being UNDER LAW, and the covenant of the Spirit
which is motivated by love.

The way that love looks at this example is that if you slip over 55,
either by accident or because your speedometer is off by 5 mph, as long
as nobody is hurt by the incident, there is no sin.  

Another point that I was trying to make before was that this is not a
crime, even according to man's law.  It is called a civil infraction.
Now if you hurt someone, that would be a crime.  Civil infractions are
rules that are meant to prevent crimes (prevent sins).  I agree with
Slade that if you ignore the traffic laws, you will find yourself
falling into sin.  I do no advocate speeding.  Nevertheless, someone
accidentally driving 57 mph in a 55 zone for a minute, and someone
purposely driving 90 mph in a 55 zone, is not the same thing.  According
to a legalist, you might argue that there is no difference, but from a
moralist's position, they are not equivalent.

If we could understand this distinction concerning legalism, I might be
ready to talk about the 7th day versus the 8th day Sabbath.  Read
carefully Romans 10:1-13, paying attention to the two ways of
righteousness talked about there.  

Terry wrote:
> The fact that you hurt no one and ALMOST obeyed 
> is similar to Ananias and Sapphira.  They lied, 
> but it wasn't a complete lie.  They didn't hurt 
> anyone, and they did give some money, so they 
> almost told the truth.

Almost told the truth?  Is this suppose to be funny?  They LIED to the
Holy Ghost!  What greater sin could there be?  That is worse than Ted
Bundy's serial murders.

Terry wrote:
> As to whether or not they are in Hell, 
> the Bible does not say.

Does the Bible have to spell it out for you?  They lied to the Holy
Ghost.  They fell dead at Peter's feet.  

So someone who drives 57 in a 55 mph zone is going to hell even if that
is the only thing he has ever done wrong in his whole life, but Ananias
and Sapphira don't go to hell for lying to the Holy Ghost?  Is that what
you are saying?  I don't mean to sound curt.  I'm trying to make sure
that I'm hearing you correctly.  I'm still assimilating your position.
I've been talking to my wife about it for two days now.  :-)  I've been
praying about this too.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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