Slade wrote:
> There is one fact I would like to point out 
> to you. I have no idea what is in your heart. 
> I have no idea the inflection in the "voice" 
> of your writings. I could very well be 
> misunderstanding you.

Who is the "you" that you would like to point something out to?  Is your
post something directed toward me or toward someone else?  I find a lot
of agreement with your posts, so I'm not sure if you are
misunderstanding me, or just sharing something that is on your heart, or
maybe even cross posting from another list.

I see you countering those who are lawless, those who use grace to
excuse sin.  I'm in agreement with you concerning this.  Nevertheless,
the handwriting of ordinances is not the answer.  I do have some concern
that you don't understand the letter to the Galatians, but I'm not sure
because you write into the air so-to-speak, rather than directing it
toward what you are hearing.  If you think that you and I might differ a
little in how we understand things, let's try to find out where it is.
Maybe one of us would grow in knowledge if we focus upon where our
thoughts intersect.
Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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