Gary wrote:
> ftr, the Ap Luke makes it clear that JC went about 
> 'doing good'--that JCs preaching was (also) contextualized 
> in his efforts to be involved 'doing good'
> however, the SPF lit (on their web site URL DavidM posted) 
> ignores this over-arching dynamic of JCs ministry; to ignore 
> it trivializes the biblical Gospel while it (existentially) 
> demoralizes the listeners, inc the Police whom the SPF focus 
> on primarily in their attack, as stated in their lit

Hi Gary.  I agree with you that their message is somewhat focused and
not inclusive of all that Jesus taught.  In fact, I am not allowed to
join SPF because I am charismatic.  That seems way too narrow from my
perspective too.  :-)  Nevertheless, the vision they have that believers
ought to stand up for their faith, be vocal about their faith, and
declare the need to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved, is a good one.
This particular incident in Indianapolis shows a police precinct that
has become outright hostile toward Christianity.  I think whether you
realize it or not, street preachers like these are helping to keep
government from encroaching upon our religious liberties.  If you don't
exercise religious freedom to do good and preach the gospel, you might
not appreciate it, but those of us who do get out in the community to do
good and preach know very well what goes on.

I first became involved with street preaching because I was concerned
about the problem of poverty in Tampa.  In trying to share food and
clothing with people, and in trying to help them better themselves by
finding suitable housing and work, the government at times interfered
with what I was doing.  This was not because they objected to someone
helping the poor, but because I was doing it in the name of Christ.  

Nobody said it better than an atheist I encountered when I was invited
to speak to a socialist group at the University of South Florida.  I was
speaking in a packed out classroom there about what we were doing with
the poor and why we were doing it.  A communist in the organization had
invited me because he became very impressed with the work we were doing
and the sacrifices we were making in doing it.  He was an atheist too,
but the good works are what impressed him and why he invited me to share
with their organization.  As I shared about what we did and why we did
it, an atheist in the back of the room became enraged.  He started
hollering something like, "the reason you keep getting into trouble with
the police and other leaders is because you just can't shut up about
God.  Everything I hear is about God, God, God!  Shut up about God!"  He
came out of his seat and raced up the aisle and attacked me.  Two men in
the room pulled him off of me.  My shirt was completely shredded from
the violence; I must have looked like Tom Hanks in Castaway.  :-)  In
any case, it is the name of Jesus Christ, not the good works we do, that
brings about persecution.

Regardless of your own personal sentiments about whether men ought to
preach Christ in public, don't you see a problem with a police officer
arresting people for saying the name of Jesus?  Don't you have a problem
with him saying, "if you say the name of Jesus Christ one more time I'm
going to arrest you"?  Don't you have a problem with the police saying,
"you can't preach, but I can...." and then he goes on to preach that
Jesus Christ was a false prophet?  Surely, don't you agree that a man of
God cannot remain silent in that situation, but should boldly proclaim
that Jesus Christ was a true prophet like unto Moses, that Prophet whom
Scripture says we ought to hear?  Do you think it is righteous to arrest
such a man who responds in this way to a police office preaching
publicly that Jesus was a false prophet?

I suspect from some things you said that you didn't listen to the 30
minute interview yet.  I encourage you to listen to it.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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