David Miller wrote:
>> Is sin the object of God's wrath or are 
>> people the object of God's wrath?

Judy wrote:
> God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all 
> ungodliness and unrighteousness of men (so it is 
> against men's sin) 

I feel like you are misunderstanding my question. Sure, God is upset
with sin.  God is angry with sin. I think that is what the verse is
saying.  But what is the OBJECT of his wrath?  Who does God take out his
wrath upon?  My point is that God casts the sinner into hell, not the
sin.  God does not separate the sinner from the sin and say, "I love you
sinner.  You come here, but I'm going to cast your sin into hell because
I hate the sin."  The Catholics have come up with purgatory to teach
that he does this, and the Mormons have come up with different levels of
heaven, but what confidence is there that either of these theories of
men are correct?  Aren't they really inventions to tickle the ears of us
who cannot face the cold hard facts that God is awesome and fearsome and
holy and does not put up with sin?

I was taught this same doctrine in the institutional churches I was
brought up in, and one day I read a sermon by Jonathan Edwards that made
it crystal clear that the object of God's wrath is the sinner not the
sin.  It was always staring me in the face in Scripture, but it was like
I had a veil over my eyes because I believed that we love the sinner and
hate the sin.  Add to this concept the word of Scripture which cannot be
broken, that God hates the workers of iniquity (Psalm 5:5), and also
David's comment that he hates the enemies of God with a perfect hatred
(Psalm 139:22), and it suddenly becomes clear that I was made a sissy by
the propaganda of Christianity.

Now I surely don't claim to fully understand all this yet.  I cannot say
as David that I hate those who hate God with a perfect hatred.  But I
see enough to know that this is a shortcoming on my part, a weakness,
and not a strength.  It is just hard to unlearn what I have been
programmed with all my life.

Judy wrote:
> and is stored in heaven against the day of 
> wrath and the revelation of the righteous 
> judgment of God (Romans 2:5).  
> This day is in the future, it's not now.

You have mixed two passages here, but you don't seem to realize that
this Romans 2 passage speaks of the soul of man as being the object of
God's wrath.  

But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey
unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish, UPON
EVERY SOUL OF MAN THAT DOETH EVIL, of the Jew first, and also of the
(Romans 2:8-9 KJV)

Now this particular passage does speak of a future day when the wrath of
Jesus Christ will be manifested, but the Scriptures also speak of God's
wrath abiding upon the sinner even now.  

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that
believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth
on him. (John 3:36 KJV)

Judy wrote:
> As for hell, it was originally prepared for the devil 
> and his angels and was not supposed to be for mankind.  

Are you suggesting that God did not know when he made hell that he would
one day cast sinners into it?  

Judy wrote:
> People do not need to go there unless they refuse 
> to love the truth and insist on holding or clinging 
> to the lie. We will spend eternity with whoever we 
> serve.

You make this sound like some kind of automatic thing that God has no
control over.  Do you believe that God in anger and wrath casts the
wicked into hell fire as punishment for how they lived on earth?  This
is an important question I hope you answer.  It kind of sounds like you
might have trouble answering yes to this question. 

Judy wrote:
> DaveH does not teach the same doctrine I do because 
> I don't believe what you state above.  I have stated 
> on this list more than once that All humanity are not 
> God's children and that the Fatherhood of God and the 
> Brotherhood of man is a doctrine of Freemasonry. What's 
> more I believe that there is a hell to shun and a heaven 
> to gain.. you are misunderstanding what I am saying DavidM

Thank you for taking the time to clarify.  Thank you for your patience.
There does seem to be some similarity. Ok, he does not believe in
literal fire, but you do.  I guess that is one important distinction.
But you seem to have the same popular notion as he does that a loving
God does not DIRECTLY, out of anger, punish people with pain for all
eternity.  You sort of make it sound like the sinners choose to go to
hell instead of heaven.

Judy wrote:
> How can you love people when their sin stands out 
> like a huge neon sign and you see it and them as 
> one and the same and believe/teach that God hates 
> both?  This is doublemindedness. 

I don't see it as double mindedness.  I certainly understand that if a
person rejects his sin, then he can be saved.  But if that person holds
onto that sin, I see that he has the wrath of God abiding upon him right
then.  That's why his prayers do not get answered.  That's why he is
separated from God.  God has a different attitude toward the believer
than he does toward the unbeliever.  He does not love them in the same
way.  Do you agree?

Judy wrote:
> Jesus has made it possible by his DB&R for us 
> to separate them; we are to hate the sin but 
> love the person. 
> ... We LOVE God, ourselves, and others because 
> LOVE fulfills God's law. Is there something wrong 
> with this? Something you find unscriptural?
There are some difficulties I find with walking this out.  For example,
at the next "Gay Pride" march, try to practice this.  Put your arms
around these men and women and tell them that you love them and God does
too.  They will receive it.  But they just continue on in their
perversion, making even more perversion by opening up churches and Bible
studies as places to pick up more homosexual partners.

I had a friend who had some problems with my approach, but she went to
the "Gay Pride" thing with Christians who were passing out tracts to let
them know that God loves them.  She came back telling me, "David, I have
to tell you.  Your approach is much more effective.  It made me sick
being with these people all day.  It was a total waste of time."  

I remember you saying that the churches need more rebuking of sin WITHIN
the church.  Don't you see that this idea here that you express is what
breeds a church that looks the other way when sin happens?  People are
never truly held accountable in a system like this where you "love the
sinner but hate the sin."  I think we have to see that when a person
sins, he brings upon himself the anger and hatred of God.  That is what
the Bible seems to teach, even though it is counter intuitive to what we
have been programmed with in society and our Christian culture.

Judy, I hope I'm not wearing you out.  I'm still struggling with many of
these concepts.  Talking with you helps the thinking process.

My street preaching began without any notions of God hating the sinner.
I had compassion for the poor and homeless in Tampa, and when the city
council there cast us out of their meetings as we were trying to seek
their help and guidance, a message was burning in my heart so I took it
to the streets.  That was more than 10 years ago.  My message was not
one of "God hates your sin" but rather how we had become a very wicked
city and that we should be loving our neighbor.  I preached to corporate
executives as they passed homeless people on the street, urging them to
reach out to their neighbor in love.  As I prayed about what God wanted
me to do, the Spirit spoke to my heart to preach in three areas rather
than one.  I was to preach to the downtown business men during their
lunch break, to the Ybor City night club district on weekend nights, and
certain days preach at the university to the students there.  These
other two venues caused me to realize that I had completely lost touch
with our society.  I could not believe the reaction, the way that people
thought about certain issues, and the hatred towards God.  It was
through these activities that I began to understand how God looked upon
the wicked with anger and hatred.  

Some years ago, some street preachers on TruthTalk brought up passages
about how God hated the sinner and so should we.  I had never looked at
this before from a theological perspective, but it challenged me.  It
still challenges me, because when I look upon most of these people while
I'm preaching, I have nothing but a pure love for them.  I can't explain
it.  I see how for the most part it has all happened to them through
ignorance.  Nevertheless, there have been a few times where I have seen
the hearts of some being so hardened, that I spoke to them in the most
angry of tones.  It was not a personal hatred toward them, but some kind
of vicarious thing.  I can't explain it exactly, but I could see them as
being enemies of God and spoke to them accordingly.  If the guy had come
over to me to slug me I would have still hugged him and turned the other
cheek because what I was seeing and how I was acting was not personal.
It was truly a way in which the Lord was working through me.  

I remember one night preaching and this very perverted looking
homosexual starting prancing in front of me.  I don't know what overcame
me, but I got right in his face and rebuked him in the harshest of
terms.  I thought he might just clobber me, but he didn't.  He seemed
surprised.  The next week I was preaching again in this same spot and
the man returned.  The Spirit spoke to my heart and told me to be
gentle, to not answer him.  The man got up in my face then, spitting on
me (and I am certain he had AIDS), and cursing me.  I softened my look
toward him and did not answer him according to his anger.  I preached to
the others and he tried again, but my reaction toward him made him
unable to take his next step of aggression toward me.  I smiled and
looked down.  I spoke a quiet message of mercy, not directly to him, but
looking away from him.  His anger toward me subsided.  I was preaching
alone both these nights, and I think this was the Lord's way of
protecting me.  

I've only met Kevin once I think, but I have preached with some of his
guys from New York on several occasions.  I have not yet met Dean, but I
know him from the list like the rest of you.  I have preached with Ruben
many times over the last five years or so.  I can tell you that I am
very comfortable with what Ruben does.  He mixes a lot of humor in with
his message, but he is a no-nonsense guy who speaks the truth in some
very wicked places.  I feel greatly honored just to be his water boy.

So as you can see, they can probably better explain the wrath and hatred
of God thing better than I can. Nevertheless, I don't think I am
completely without understanding.  I'm just trying to say, try to hear
the truth of what is being said, and mix it with the truth that you
know.  Cast down any ideas that you might have that are not really
Biblical.  In the end, we ought to achieve a balanced understanding.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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