David Miller wrote:
>> As I understand it, your position is that continued letter 
>> writing to false teachers and sinners is sinful.  From my 
>> perspective, it is not much different than preaching daily 
>> at the street corner. 

Dean wrote:
> Hello David-You seem to be asking the same question-
> but not hearing my answer-or are you fishing? I object 
> to those of another spirit-of another Jesus spending 
> an unlimited amount of time among the brethren. 

I understand that.  Maybe you are not understanding me.  My normal mode
of preaching has been consistent.  Generally speaking, I don't travel
around the country like Ruben and you, hit an event, then gone.  Just as
I'm a constant presence on TruthTalk, so I have been a constant presence
at USF or Ybor City or Downtown Tampa.  Maybe you didn't read my
sentence, but I said, "daily preaching at a street corner."  I fail to
see how that would be less dangerous than this email list.  Such a thing
is consistent, constant interaction.  Often the same sinners come back
again and again to interact.  Sometimes I even go eat with them.

Dean wrote:
> As stated earlier this is umbilical and supported by 
> renowned bible scholars. 

Please give me your BEST QUOTE of a Bible scholar.  Not ten, not five,
not two, just one.  I think you are misinterpreting them.

Dean wrote:
> How you now tone down this to simple letters- while 
> you know that this site is more than just letter as 
> the response is a lot quicker and the interaction are 
> a lot more involved-is in my opinion dishonest-and an 
> attempt to confuse the facts.

It is an attempt to bring you back from the error of characterizing this
email list as the same thing has having Mormon missionaries living in my
home, eating with me and my family, and teaching us their doctrine.  I
fully agree with you that electronic letter writing is much more dynamic
than waiting for the post office to deliver the letters, but this is
still letter writing and it does NOT have the same kind of fellowship as
face to face sharing and eating with one another has.

Dean wrote:
> Due to the fact that you have seen fruit from 
> this site-should tell that these interactions 
> are more then simple letters. 

And the fruit, if it is good fruit, should tell you that the list is

Dean wrote:
> If you can affect someone here so can others-
> even those of seducing spirits.

I agree, which is why I try to read every post and make sure that nobody
gets seduced.  Do you know of one Christian who has converted to
Mormonism from the list?  

Dean wrote:
> A good example of this is Judy's usage of the word 
> "Ob-nox-ious which has been DaveH choice of wording-

Obnoxious is a common word.  Nevertheless, sometimes Dave has said
things that I agree with.  Nothing wrong with someone agreeing with the
Mormons.  If they are wrong to agree, show them why they are wrong.
Don't belly ache over the fact that the agreed with a Mormon!

Dean wrote:
> and if my memory serves me correctly she also reacted 
> to our street preaching methods with resentment after 
> the Mormons cried about those same methods-

I think she is reacting to more than just what the Mormons have said.  I
think she is reacting to your writings.

Why make this a war of religions?  Is it really necessary?  Try
pretending that nobody on the list is Christian and nobody on the list
is Mormon.  Try pretending that everyone is just a living human being.
Then judge each thing said without regard to religious affiliations.  I
think you would find yourself taking a very different approach.

I mentioned to you before about a religious spirit.  A religious spirit
is one that creates factions or sects out of philosophies.  None of us
should follow a religious spirit.

Dean wrote:
> We now have a Christian (You declared her) demanding the 
> Preachers that preach the gospel to stop doing so. 

Judy has NOT demanded for preachers to stop preaching.  It is always
amazing to me how when someone starts accusing someone else of being
dishonest, then they end up being dishonest.  How sad.  Calm down, Dean.
Spend 15 minutes on your knees in prayer.  As your "doctor" I'm
prescribing this for you.  :-)

Judy has problems with the attitude of the street preachers she has read
on this list.  I think she has some valid concerns, but there also is a
lot that she just doesn't understand because she has never stood out in
public and preached to gather a crowd and declare the gospel.  

Dean wrote:
> And we also have you declaring DaveH as being a 
> Christian and the Mormon Church as being a 
> denomination of the true Church-

NOT TRUE, Dean.  I have never said that the Mormon Church is a
denomination of the TRUE Church.  I recognize Mormonism as a Christian
sect because they profess Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world.  I no
more consider them part of the "true Church" than I do Roman Catholics.

Dean wrote:
> David you originally asked me to send all my" 
> clear passages"-so I sent six. 

I don't think so, Dean.  I'm not taking time to go back to the old posts
right now, but I never ask someone to send me ALL their clear passages
because that is difficult.  I might have originally not limited you in
how many, just asking for some samples.  

Dean wrote:
> Then you ask me for one verse-so I gave 
> you a choice. Now you demand me to send 
> my best passage-and then choosing one verse 
> you give me the whole passage that I sent 
> before you asked for the verse. 

Huh?  This is getting confusing.  :-)

Dean wrote:
> Now tell me what do you want? 

I just want one passage, your best shot.  Let's work that until we
either agree that it is ambiguous or we both agree on what it says.

Dean wrote:
> Do you want to slow down this debate to one 
> e-mail per day? I have no problem with this 
> as truth is more important then a fast
> victory-a couple of yrs should do it.

Excellent idea.  Let's do one post per day on this subject.  

Dean wrote:
> Isn't speaking a action? Those that teach 
> against God are sinning. 

Blasphemy is a sin, but it is not a sin to have errant doctrine.  For
example, the Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection, nor did they
believe in angels and a spirit world.  The Pharisees believed in both.
Which ones were wrong?  The Sadducees.  Were they sinning by believing
those things?  No.  They were just ignorant. 

Dean wrote:
> Did the serpent also get punished for 
> teaching that the fruit was good to eat

Good point.  I will chew on that.  The serpent was punished for leading
Adam and Eve astray.  Point for you.  Let me think and pray about this.
I never thought of that before.

Dean wrote:
>  It tells me to keep a distance from the sinners-
> Yes spent some time helping but limit that time.

Ok, then the same goes for preaching, right?  If I am to limit my time
on TruthTalk, then I should limit my time preaching on the street,

Dean wrote:
> David I sent this verse to show that a distance 
> must be kept from the sinner-You seem to limit 
> the sinner as just those sins mentioned in the
> above. You say have limited contact with fornicators,
> jesters...etc, but be free with your time around 
> the false teachers. 

I don't know what you mean by "free with my time."  My life does not
revolve around TruthTalk (although I'm beginning to question that these
last few days!).  I agree that we are not to have fellowship with
sinners, but that is not the same thing as spending time daily with
sinners. Furthermore, I see a distinction between someone having errant
views and someone who is committing sinful acts.  For example, if DaveH
believes baptism is necessary for salvation or DaveH commits adultery,
to me those are grossly different things.  You seem to treat them the

Also, if DaveH were to talk about how he thinks adultery is ok under
certain circumstances, but he is not doing any adultery himself, those
are very different circumstances, in my opinion.  I have problems with
the idea that people cannot be free to explore strange ideas, even if
they are really nutty.  

Dean wrote:
> Tell me what do you define fellowship as? 

Eating with a person, sharing together our hearts, kneeling together in
prayer, worshipping the Lord together corporately, sharing in Holy
Communion together, abiding in the doctrine of Christ and preaching
together... these are the things that comprise fellowship in my mind.
E-mail lists are NOT fellowship, not even close.

Dean wrote:
> Also you claim that DaveH is disqualified from 
> being included in the verses that give directions 
> pertaining to the church-

If DaveH were my neighbor, I doubt that we would be in church fellowship
together.  I would not be spending time at his house praying and
ministering to the Lord together.  I don't think we would be breaking
bread before the Lord together.  My relationship with him would probably
be about as distant as it is on this list.  The only way it would change
is if his heart changed regarding how he felt about the LDS church.
Then we might get a lot closer, but without that happening, I don't see
us getting close because we are like oil and water; we don't mix.

Dean wrote:
> then you say that they are a church-
> would you explain this?

They are only a church in the common English use of the word. They are
not a church of Jesus Christ. 

David Miller wrote:
>> Jesus and the apostles regularly attended synagogue and 
>> the Jewish Temple.  They studied the Bible, worshipped, 
>> and prayed together regularly with people who taught 
>> that there was no resurrection, that Jesus was not the 
>> Christ, that there was no such thing as angels, and
>> you object because I exchange letters with Mormons?  
>> That simply does not compute. 

Dean wrote:
> It does if the time they spent with those of 
> another religion was limited- and this site 
> is more then just letters.

Dean, Jesus and the apostles ATE with those of the synagogue, and met
with them DAILY at times and at least weekly.  Their time was LESS
LIMITED than our time here on TruthTalk.

Dean wrote:
> Okay here are a couple Adam Clark wrote: 
> Eph.5:11 Have no connection whatsoever 
> with heathens or their worship.

YOU MISQUOTED ADAM CLARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam wrote:
"Have no RELIGIOUS connection whatever with heathens or their worship."

I have no religious connection here with DaveH or Blaine.  I don't do
anything religious with them or their Temple.

Dean wrote:
> Albert Barns wrote:
> Eph 5:11 -
> And have no fellowship -
> The unfruitful works - The deeds of darkness that 
> produce no "benefit" to the body or the soul. 
> ...

I don't see any connection between what Barnes said and this email list.

Dean wrote:
> Do you not believe that one can't have fellowship 
> over the net? Adulteries are committed that way 
> for adultery starts in the heart-Adultery on God
> also starts there.

You sound like those who say don't preach at Mardi Gras lest you fall
into the temptation there.  I even met some who told me they first went
to Mardi Gras to witness, pass out tracts, etc.  They fell in, and now
they go there to find girls, get drunk, and party.

Can people be pulled into sin through the Internet?  ABSOLUTELY.
However, you talk about TruthTalk as if it were beaming in pornography
into your household.  I truly have a hard time seeing TruthTalk as
alluring and tempting to others in that way.  Is there some risk to
allowing non-Christians to post here?  YES!  But that risk, in my
opinion, is really very minimal, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE AROUND. :-)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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