Lance wrote:
> As an interloper I'm with John. 
> This is a syntax vs semantics discussion. 

I think there is more to talk about here than you realize right now.
Please be patient.  Maybe we can work it out.

Lance wrote:
> Whatever you choose to call it, name it, theologize 
> concerning it-I sin, David sins, John sins-daily, 
> hourly, moment(ly). 

Lance, with all due respect, if you sin daily, hourly, moment(ly), I
would seriously question your relationship with Christ.  God cannot have
communion sin or with sinners.  Now it may be that semantics could
resolve some of this disparity between us, because if you call
temptation sin, then we might really be on the same page.

Lance wrote:
> Please correct me if this is not true 
> concerning either of you. 

I do not believe that this is true with me, Lance.  I am not conscious
of any sin that I commit daily, hourly, or moment(ly).  I will ask my
wife about this.  She ought to know all my sins. :-)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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