\o/ !HALALU YAH! \o/
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua!
Hitler was a puppet and pawn.  There would have been no "Hitler's Germany" if not for multinational pharmaceutical/industrialist cartels.
From the lead U.S. prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials:

"... these IG Farben criminals, not the lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the guilt of these criminals is not brought to daylight and if they are not punished, they will represent a much greater threat to the future peace of the world than Hitler if he were still alive."


Check also (just for starters): http://reformed-theology.org/html/b.../chapter_02.htm

From Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes in 1941:

"If America loses this war it can thank tha Aluminum Corporation of America (ALCOA)."

ALCOA negotiated a deal with the Nazis and IG Farben to supply Germany's war machine RATHER than the US Military with aluminum. ALCOA was a leading corporate supporter of Nazi Germany and eugenics. Sodium fluoride is a toxic byproduct of aluminum production (MILLIONS of tons). IG Farben discovered in slave labor camps that fluoride added to drinking water dulled resistance and made prisoners more submissive to authority ... just as in America today.

If not for modern medicine there would have been no Hitler.  Also, modern medicine owes a chunk of its success to the Nazi death camps.

I'm just getting warmed up. This is the very tiniest tip of the iceberg.

Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
(Bless The LORD)
Chris Barr
a servant of YHVH

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