What is the relationship of Mashiach  AS DEITY?


Who is the Father and who is the Son? Ultimately this can only be known by revelation directly from the Son. That is a Scriptural statement from the mouth of YahShua Himself (Matt. 11:27)! Following are some directions to aid in this important revelation.



If we were to "level the playing field" and agree to discuss this subject from Scripture only, using only Scriptural words, this discussion would be much easier. Is that such an unreasonable request to insist on only that which is found in Scripture to determine the Truth of Scripture?

First of all, toss out the made-up-by-King James translators-word "Godhead". Look up the word "head" in Scripture and find the Greek for it. You will find absolutely no aspect of that word in any of the words translated nefariously as "Godhead". This word was an English invention to prop up the unholy trinity doctrine.

In each of the three instances this 'word' "Godhead" appears in the King James Version, it is 'translated'/made-up from a different (though related to the others) Greek word every time. The words each are a derivation of deity or divinity. There is no plurality, implied or otherwise. King James translators merely spawned it by inference to support their commonly held polytheism-wrapped-in-monotheistic-wrapping Trinity.

With the 'word' "Godhead" disposed of we can then eliminate what it has spawned - "God-family" and "God-kind". These words are not derived from Scriptural words, but rather from the made-up-King James-translator 'word' "Godhead".

Throw out also duality, dualism and "dual anything else". These are not to be found in Scripture. We are left with 'ONE' from which you can derive the noun 'ONENESS' if you like. That is a term commonly used to label the Scriptural Truth of the Nature of the Almighty.

Briefly stated, the Almighty is One (Deut. 6:4; Mark 12:29). He is Spirit (John 4:24). As He is Holy and Spirit He is the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit that is Eternal fathered the physical form of Yahshua (Matt. 1:20) and was therefore the Eternal Father. This physical form is the embodiment or en-flesh-ment of deity, the literal and physical form of the Father (Isa. 9:6; John 14:7-9).

A meaty encapsulation of this subject is available entitled 'GOD IS ONE!' written in the 1930s by one John Quincy Adams. A more exhaustive treatment of this subject is also available by Adams and entitled 'MYSTERY DECLARED? OR MYSTERY REVEALED!'


\o/ !HALALU YAH! \o/






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