Hi Michael, John’s lawyer here J


Jonathan in Green.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of michael douglas
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 5:58 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Eye of the Storm


ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Eye of the Storm

In a message dated 9/26/2004 7:33:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is interesting, Michael. Much of Florida is calling for a mandatory evacuation of low-lying areas, mobile homes, and manufactured homes. This has been an interesting six weeks with four storms.(PS Izzy did not post this. I think Slade did.)

I don't understand why Michael doesn't simply pray these storms into Russia.   If we have power over the weather, why not that? 
Serious as a heart attack,
brother John

Michael D: And why Russia, John? I'm interested in knowing.

A good guideline here may be the words of Jesus '...the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them...'

Blatantly taking verses out of context is not helping your argument here.  Nothing in this verse says that Jesus came to save men from the weather.  The salvation that Christ offers is much, much different.

Why on earth would you accuse Michael of wanting to do that??? Was that nice? Do you not realize that God can just dissolve a storm? Izzy

You lost me.  I am accusing Michael of what?   Does he not believe that Christians have authority over the weather? 

I happen to be a living testimony of this, John. And I am not the only one. Izzy, for example, has shared precious testimony here of experiences that she has had on this front. I have shared the things about storms etc. on TT because I felt I had a responsibility to, in the light of the impending Charley attack.  Can you imagine me sitting by, knowing the supernatural protection of God from these things for practically 2 decades, and allowing the TT folks who were in danger to face that, not knowing that there was a greater way available from the Lord? Of course, once I have given two or three witnesses about this, then in God's mind it's enough to establish it. That would be in your mind it’s enough to establish it, not God’s.  Claiming to speak for God where He is silent is not wise.  I've given alot more. Interestingly, Izzy on TT would be a second human witness for us all. I didn't even know she, or anyone else on TT had that experience before I started sharing.

It amazes me how folks can sit in the midst of clear evidence and yet reject the reality presented. This is a problem in almost all disagreements.  To one side the reality is clear evidence.  To the other…. The fact is the clear evidence you give is extremely biased and often takes scripture out of context. 

This is what Jesus condemned the Scribes and Pharisees for. They kept asking for a sign when He was demonstrating it to them every day. He said an evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign. Did He really have problems with signs? Of course not, but after telling signs have been given, to still seek a sign, God rejects.

The reality that you ‘see’ is not near as clear to the rest of us.  Nor are its results.  Jesus did not condemn the Scribes and Pharisees for not believing that Christians should be dictating weather patterns.

Personally, I've poured out much from my life, supported by copious scriptures to help folks see the truth of what I am exhorting. There is alot more I can share as well, but I  would think that what I've shared should be much more than en ough. As a matter of fact, TT is the first place I've ever shared of my experiences with storms. Folks have seen me deal with weather before, but not storms. Even David Miller, whom I've known for over 20 years, never knew about what I've shared here before I started. I kept that stuff to myself. My prayer partner, whom I've mentioned heree a few times, only found out about it a couple weeks ago after our prayer about Ivan. What am I saying? God has a purpose for letting me share this stuff. God wants those of us who name His name to grow up into the fulness of Christ, and don't remain babies in Christ. I know that sounds harsh, but that's the mind of God here. God is saying to us to grow up. Some may take offense at this, but it's God's truth. This may or may not be true.  You are giving an extra biblical assertion that you are claiming is God’s mind.  This is dangerous ground brother.  I am also included in that need to grow up. Many times God hits me that personally. God wants us to reign in this life through Jesus Christ, but if He can't get His people to believe His word, His hands are tied, and we suffer the loss. . He says, without faith it is impossible to please God. We must believe His word, not our notions, ideas or feelings about His word and His ways. How much plainer can we get than James 5 where he says Elijah was a man of like passions as we, yet he prayed and it did not rain for three and a half years, and again he prayed and it rained upon the earth.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!!!!

Again taking any reference to weather (Elijah) in the Bible is not proof of us controlling the weather.  Re-read this story on Elijah.  Your weather control theory is not in the text.

But now that you mention it, what am I to believe?  God can dissolve storms -- so why has He not done this with the four storms to strike Florida  -- or is it #5 now?

Are you aware of how much mercy God dispensed in all of this, John? Things could have been alot worse. FOr example, Ivan was downgraded before it hit the States. Imagine if was not downgraded. Even the media described some of the movements of Ivan as miraculous, as it spared many from direct hits. Folks in Florida need to get hold of this grace, especi ally based on where they live. God is providing answers, we are encouraged to respond.

That God’s mercy was dispensed is obvious everyday when we are not all burnt up.  Whether Ivan was downgraded as a natural result of the weather pattern or if it was because of your prayers, none of us will know until we all sit with Christ.  Until then it is only subjective.  That God works in response to prayer is true.  Once we extrapolate this we get into fuzzy water.  That being said, I think everyone on this forum would agree that you are doing something that is/could be beneficial.



What do you believe, John? Does God, or does He not, have that power (to dissolve storms)? Can/should Believers pray for God to do that? Does God do anything on earth without prayer from Believers? Izzy

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