Hi Judy,

Do you believe that God (Yahweh) was promising His people that they
would live in an idyllic garden of Eden where no harm would befall them
at all?  That death would no longer be present in any form? Do you
believe that all the wild animals around them would be peaceful to the
Israelites?  Why have laws against ox's goring others if they were all
in a state of bliss?  This is what I mean by saying that verses such as
the one you mentioned need to be taken in a reality context.  Do you see
how you are taking the verse out of context?  If not I can try to
explain more.

Judy says, "when a man pleases the Lord he makes even his enemies be at
peace with him."

Jonathan replies:  Would you say that Jesus feared the Lord?  Were His
enemies at peace with Him?  On the contrary they killed Him.  If
pleasing the Lord brought peace with all men we would be one big happy
family on this forum.

Note that I believe your 'blessing/cursing' theology is occultic and not
rooted in Biblical revelation.  We walk in the Spirit, not in blessing.
Jesus became the curse and we submit to Him.

Jonathan Hughes

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:25 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Eye of the Storm

jt: To me living in peace means living free from the fear of anything
you mention Jonathan whether or not they are a present reality and yes,
it means freedom from attack because when a man pleases the Lord he
makes even his enemies be at peace with him.  Talking about rain, I've
heard testimony of how driving rain was ruining the crops of the Indians
until the Christians prayed and the following rainfall was gentle and
nourishing.  I believe weather like anything else can be used for evil
depending on whether we are walking in blessing or under the curse.
Thanks for defining contingent for me.  judyt

 The scriptual reference that God promises his people a 'peaceful
dwelling place' needs to be taken in context.  Did God make sure there
were no mosquitos in this area as well?  No poisonous snakes?  Did God
abolish death and aging in these dwellings?  Was it God saying that He
would keep them from being attacked by enemies?   We live in a world
that is as fallen as the rest of us.  Creation groans out in travail.
Weather is a natural part of creation.  That includes a nice gentle
shower for your tulips and a massive tornado, some pretty snowflakes and
the flash flood.
I would continue to suggest that the story of Jesus rebuking the storm
was about something different than weather control for Christians.  I
think that you may have hit the nail on the head when you mention fear
and peace.  For the record God (Jesus) was not concerned about the storm
in the least.  It was the disciples who were concerned.
A contingent universe is one that is based upon and upheld by its
Creator.  It is created to run self-sufficiently but relies upon Jesus
Christ in whom all things move and have their being.
Jonathan Hughes 

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