Question DH,
Was Constantine the originator of the T doctrine in your eyes? 
If not it was originated at this time correct?
What was the date of the origination of the T doctrine?
>From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perry & Dave: inquiring minds want to know
>Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 00:07:01 -0800
>*All Christians can trace their roots back to the time of Constantine.*
>DAVEH: I think you are a bit off on that comment, DavidM. The RCC and
>Protestants not only trace their roots back to the time of Constantine, but
>have found themselves huddled beneath the umbrella of doctrines covered
>with his fingerprints. I believe that by the time of Constantine, the
>apostasy was complete, and hence the authority to act in the Lord's behalf
>was lost. That left the field wide open to political figures intervening
>in doctrinal theology. That is why we (LDS) do not make that claim. From
>our perspective, our religious roots predate that time frame........which
>is why Mormonism is not rooted in Catholicism or Protestantism.
>David Miller wrote:
>>CD wrote:
>>>... didn't birth of the RCC have roots that trace back
>>>to Constantine I, The great in 306 ad-337ad as he fought
>>>under the Christian flag and Christianity became a national
>>>movement under the proceding Emperors?
>>*All Christians can trace their roots back to the time of Constantine.*
>>The Roman Catholics have no special claim to that period. The truth is
>>that Roman Catholicism as its own sect, separate from other churches of
>>Christianity, did not exist back then. At that time when many of the
>>Christian churches were moving toward a more central earthly government,
>>there were about 150 bishops, with probably 5 being prominent because of
>>the large cities they oversaw. The bishop of Rome was considered to have
>>primacy because Rome was the capital of the Roman empire. However, the
>>meaning of "primacy" to the bishops of that time is not the same as what
>>Roman Catholicism attaches to the Pope. In fact, in 381, a canon was
>>decreed at the Second Ecumenical Council which declared that the bishop of
>>Constantinople should have primacy of honor above the bishop of Rome.
>>This was done because the capital of the Roman Empire was moved from Rome
>>to Constantinople. In the decades that followed, the Roman empire was
>>split into two empires with separate capitals, neither one being Rome. A
>>lot of interesting history if you dig into it deeper. There was even a
>>short time when there was no pope in Rome, and a time when there were two
>>popes at once, each claiming to be the rightful heir to the "throne".
>>The flag that Constantine made was basically a cross he saw in a vision,
>>and this insignia is better identified with the Eastern Orthodox churches
>>than with Roman Catholicism. The insignia for the pope, the tiara, bears
>>no resemblance to Constantine's banner.
>>Peace be with you.
>>David Miller.
>Dave Hansen
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