You act like a guilty man trying to hedge since his wife smelled perfume on his collar!
or explain away a mysterious note in his pocket.  The use of this symbol by some who are not wise to its Satanic meaning is IRRELEVANT.
MORMONISM is like "Masonry, like all the religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled, to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it."
AFA a organization that professes to hold ALL TRUTH, why would they use the symbol used thru the ages to signify the BLACK Magic of Satan?
And yes they call it the Cloven Hoof of Satan
When walking on a trail it does not upset me to come upon deer prints. It does upset me to see bears prints because there may be a bear staright ahead!
Satan left his foot prints all over your Religion for those who have eyes to see!
JOE WAS A DIVINER and user of the ROD
Jer 27 Therefore hearken not ye to your prophets, nor to your diviners, nor to your dreamers, nor to your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers, which speak unto you, saying, Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon:
(Changed for obvious reasons in DC 34 )BC 7:3 Now this is not all, thy gift; for you have another gift, which is the gift of working with the rod
"The pentacle (pentagram), the five-pointed figure, contained mystic symbols, used especially in divination and the conjuration of spirits. The pentalpha, a design formed by interlacing five A's was also in similar use. To summon demonic help, the pentagram was fashioned: a five-pointed geometric figure."
"circled pentagram for white magic occult work; inverted pentagram for black magic rituals."
The "inverted pentagram is the most powerful of all Occultic talismans . . . It is alleged that it is more powerful than the Cross . . . " We are told that the inverted pentagram is "a sign for evil."
"Celtic priests called it (the pentagram) the witch's foot. In the Middle Ages it became known in Britain and elsewhere in Europe as the goblin's cross, devil's sign, and the wizard's star. Among the druids of Great Britain, it was the blasphemous sign of the Godhead."
Manly P. Hall, an occultist, points out that the, " . . . pentagram is used extensively in black magic, but when so used its form always differs in one of three ways: The star may be broken at one point by not permitting the converging line to touch; it may be inverted by having one point down and two up; or it may be distorted by having the points of varying length. When used in black magic, the pentagram is called 'the sign of the cloven hoof' or the footprint of the devil. The star with two points upward IS ALSO called the 'Goat of Mendes,' because the inverted star is the same shape as a goat's head. When the upright star turns and the upper point falls to the bottom, it signifies the fall of the morning star." As stated, the pentagram can be drawn with one point down or two points down. Witches, Satanists and Masons all use this symbol!
Satanists the world over use the pentagram with one point down, and witches use the pentagram with two points down. Gary Jennings, in his book, "Black Magic, White Magic," reveals that: "the most powerful and respected of all magical symbols was the pentagram, the figure of five sides and five angles . . . The belief was that if this figure were drawn with a single angle . . . pointing down, the sign represented Satan and thus was used for invoking evil spirits."
Max Wood states: "If you are a member of the Satanist Church, you wear one (a Pentagram). With this in mind, I was intrigued when I discovered that the Eastern Star (a Masonic organization composed of third degree Masons and women relatives of third degree Masons) uses the Pentagram with the one point down, the same symbol that the Satanists use! The Mystic Shrine (another Masonic group composed only of Masons who have advanced to the 32nd degree) also uses a Pentagram with one point down as its symbol. C.J.S. Thompson, in The Mysteries and Secrets of Magic, mentions that in India the pentacle 'is the symbol of Siva and Brahman' and Siva (or Shiva) is another name for Satan, so the pentacle (or Pentagram) is one of Satan's symbols. It's no wonder then that Satanists use it."
Dick Sutphen, an openly confessed New Ager, uses the pentacle in his magical rituals. He confirms that the "pentacle (or Pentagram) holds an important place in ritual magic." and that the, " . . . history of man is the history of magic, and it has been practiced from earliest times through Druidism, the Magi, the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews, Knights Templar (a Masonic organ), Order of the Golden Dawn and in various organizations right up to the present."
Sutphen lists many groups that are adept in magic. I find it quite fascinating that the Masons claim the same sources for their knowledge of Masonry. Hutchinson acknowledges that "our mode of teaching the principles of our profession (Masonry) is derived from the Druids . . . (and) our chief emblems originally (came) from Egypt . . . select men who had the "light of understanding and truth" were, " . . . under the denomination of Magi among the Persians; wise man, soothsayers and astrologers, among the Chaldeans; philosophers amoung the Greeks and Romans; Brahmins among the Indians; Druids and Bards among the Britons . . . "
Hutchinson also brags "that we (Masonry) retain more of the ceremonials and doctrines of the Druids than is to be found in the whole world besides . . . " The Druids were occult priests who worshiped many gods, practiced astrology, and offered human sacrifices.
What is up with the all-seeing eye on the TEMPLE?
We are assured that this represents the all-seeing eye of God, but this, too, is a symbol that has a deeper meaning than what is normally revealed. Pike, the 33rd degree Mason who boasted that "Lucifer is God", explains in his book
Nonetheless, if one does enough research, it is possible to find out who the all-seeing eye really represents. International Imports mentions that the all-seeing eye is the third eye of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is a form of divination and the Bible specifically warns us not to practice any form of divination. J. Edward Decker, Jr. reports that "The 'All-Seeing Eye' is a Masonic representation of Osiris." Osiris is the Egyptian god of the dead (and of the underworld) and part of the "Masonic trinity" to whom Masons pay honor.
The Blazing Star is related to the Pentagram. Waite reports: "The Blazing Star is a Masonic variant of the Pentagram." Pike reveals that the "Blazing Star in our lodges . . . has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the sun."
The Blazing Star is also claimed to be "an emblem of the Sacred Name of God and thus of God Himself . . . " What is the name of this God? Pike remarks that this symbol was "the emblem of Osiris, the Creator" He reiterates that Osiris' " . . . power was symbolized by an Eye over a Scepter. The Sun was termed by the Greeks the Eye of Jupiter, and the Eye of the World; and his is the All-Seeing Eye in our lodges."
What is WITH THE SUN & MOON on the TEMPLE?
Masonry also uses the sun symbol. The symbol for the sun is usually represented as a circle, signifying Deity. Jennings, expounding on Magical Symbols, informs us that the, " . . . oldest diagram in use was the simple circle, the shape of the all-powerful sun . . . and the all-seeing eye's iris. "
 In the movie, 2010, by Arthur Clarke: " . . . a new sun suddenly appears radiantly in the sky, bringing peace to earth . . . "
Clarke reveals in his book of the same title just who this mysterious and peaceful force appearing as the "sun" is: Its name is Lucifer.
Hutchinson indicates that the "God of Nature (is) symbolized by the sun." Pan (Satan) is the god of nature (in mythology), so the sun symbolizes Satan! Hutchinson also maintains, "We have retained the Egyptian symbols of the sun and moon . . . and thereby, we signify, that we are the children of light..."
Elsewhere he adds: " . . . we wear the figures of the sun and moon; thence implying that we . . . as true Masons, stand redeemed from darkness, and are become the sons of light . . . " Remember, the word "Lucifer" means "Light Bearer," so Masons are the "children of light" or, actually, the "children of Lucifer."
Another Masonic writer, Foster Bailey, says: "Stage by stage they (the Masters of Wisdom) assist at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can 'enter into light,' and, in his turn become a Light Bearer, one of the Illuminati, who can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity to light."

In a message dated 12/12/2005 9:43:10 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Kevin Deegan wrote:
You note you see crosses on Tombs. I was wondering, do you ever see folks put the Inverted Star on their tombs?
The one Satanists call the cloven hoof of Statan, which is on your Temples
Blainerb:   Oh , so now the inverted star represents a cloven hoof!  What happened to the goat's head, Kevin?  Getting confused in your old age?    Oh, I get it!  The stars on the American Flag are not inverted, so are cloven hoofs,  but the ones on the Congressional Medal of Honor are inverted, so are goat's heads .  Uh huh!!!  What about the five-pointed stars on WW II fighter planes?  Which are they, goats heads or cloven hooves?

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