In a message dated 12/26/2005 11:52:23 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Blaine, I beg to differ.

   I have read two books, side by side, one of the Mormon temple endowment,
and one of Freemasonry, and the similarities are unmistakable, from the the
clothing and anointing to the secret grips, tokens, and penalties.  Add to
this the fact that JS was himself a mason of at least the 32nd degree, and
it is quite obvious that JS adopted and adapted the Freemason ceremonies for
his own use in the LDS temple endowments.
Blainerb:  I don't think the LDS Church has ever denied what you are saying, so it seems unnecessary to even point it out.  The similarities are just that, however, and there are other aspects of the LDS ceremonies that are highly dissimilar. Your conclusions that JS just went in and adapted/borrowed stuff seems a little rash, it seems to me.   A charitable attitude towards JS and Mormons in general would suggest to me that his claims to have received the temple ceremonies by revelation should be given first priority.  As in all dreams and other revelations, the Lord often makes use of symbols and etc familiar to the recipient-- I see nothing amiss in this happening with regards to JS's revelations, whether regarding temple ceremonies or otherwise.   The Key word here is CHARITY. 

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