Judy wrote:
> What is wrong with the following scenario
> apart from telling ppl to go to hell which I
> seriously doubt they say

Rest assured, Judy, that we do not tell people to go to hell.  I tell them 
that I am on no better ground than they are.  The testimony of Jesus Christ 
is what we bring.

People come under conviction and hear whatever they want to hear.  A few 
weeks ago, a girl kept complaining that I had no right to bring my banner to 
her school.  I let her vent, but about the fifth time she started describing 
my banner as condemning and horrible, I stopped her and said, "wait a 
minute, look at what the banner says... it says, 'JESUS WILL HEAL YOU'. 
What is so condemning about that?"  She was speechless then.  She saw what 
she wanted to see through the bigoted stereotype of what she has been 
trained to believe that public preachers are all about.  People believe the 
lie so much that they can't see the truth when it is staring them in the 
face.  I can understand how some of my banners might be misconstrued, but 
this one is a message of hope.  Jesus will heal you.  Yet, even that message 
is characterized as condemning and an infringement upon their liberty.  They 
should not have to look upon it with their eyes.  The same people who talk 
about tolerance talk this way.  Amazing.

David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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