'All the better to paint you with', Little Red Riding Hood!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Deegan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
Sent: March 20, 2006 11:16
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: [Wrightsaid] Digest Number 1245

My what a Broad Brush you have!

--- Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

RE: [Wrightsaid] Digest Number 1245
----- Original Message ----- From: Debbie Sawczak
To: 'Lance Muir'
Sent: March 19, 2006 14:24
Subject: RE: [Wrightsaid] Digest Number 1245

I took note of the following:

Ian noted from Wrights response to Barnett:
>> > declare that if the Reformed emphasis on continuity between
>> > OT and NT had been dominant in NT scholarship rather than the
>> > Lutheran discontinuity view, much of the NPP would have been
>> > unnecessary.
>> I find that an interesting comment.

I too find it "an interesting comment", for reasons you've already
heard me on; i.e., a significant amount of what I hear as new and
fresh in the evangelical community is very familiar from the Reformed
part of my background.

The other message I really appreciated, especially the day after
watching Good Night and Good Luck, was Ian's below. I noted, without
having read the book myself, how much of the reaction from Americans
on the list was negative. It seems that in America, the entire
left-right spectrum is shifted sharply to the right, so that if you
are anywhere near the centre, or at all critical of the US, you are a
Marxist!! How, otherwise, could anyone confuse Wright with a Marxist?


Message: 17
>   Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 05:50:35 -0000
>   From: "Ian Packer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re:  Wright's politics
> Bill S: Having read a lot of Wright's stuff I think it is fair to
> call him Marxist...
> Ian P: Nonsense... as a reader of sociology and philosophy, I can
> hardly imagine how you make such a connection between Wright and a
> materialistic, deterministic, economic apocalypticist.
> -------------------------- >
> BS: ... and hard left but that is inevitably a matter of opinion
> of semantics.
> IP: Opinion it may be but not 'mere opinion'... one would expect
> the 'semantics' to match in some clearer way to how one can
> accurately describe the world. But this discussion seems all the
> more absurd having just heard Wright talk about the childishness
> of 'left' and 'right' talk as though things can be so neatly
> characterised as such. (e.g. Archbishop Rowan Williams holds open
> the prospect long-term gay relationships as warranting some kind of

> affirmation of the church but is against abortion. Is he right or
> left?) It is this kind of talk which I think is "fundamentally
> naive"; as is anyone who imagines that matching troops around the
> world is actually what 'we' Christians are about... for goodness
> sake, don't we believe we are part of God's transnational people
> now... why all the defensiveness over our views (from the
> sidelines) over American, British or Australian policy? Hail,
> Caesar...
> If Wright is "in the corner with violently anti American and anti
> Jewish political types", then that is a corner so vast that it
> hardly deserves to be called a corner (note the highly conflictual
> boxing analogy for any disagreement).
> May I suggest that no-one talk about 'their politics' in relation
> Wright until they can articulate it from an ecclesiology that takes

> seriously the corporate nature of Christian faith and our unique
> vocation in the world between the horizons of our crucified but
> risen Lord and the inaugurated eschatology of peace (shalom).
> Thanks to John S and Rance for sharpening the significant issues
> us though, as usual.
> Grace and peace
> Ian

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