David Miller wrote:
>> I hate it when theologians are embarrassed
>> of giving glory to the Creator in school.

Lance wrote:
> You do KNOW, do you not David, that
> that's NOT the source of his embarrassment?
> Rowan Williams is not embarrassed concerning
> our Lord ANYWHERE. He, not unlike many,
> are embarrassed over believers turning
> non-issues into 'issues'. (i.e. creationISM)

There is more to this issue that this.  Is he embarrassed of certain brands 
of creationism?  Of course.  I am too.  I'm embarrassed of Henry Morris and 
that whole ICR group over there.  At the same time, they serve a purpose in 
what they do, and we should not revolt to them so much that we accept the 
atheistic and scientific agenda of removing all references to the Creator 
from our public schools.

You say it is a NON-ISSUE?  I consider such a statement ignorant in the 
extreme.  Deceptive to the core.  There is one thing that the ICR group has 
illustrated, and that is that this is an issue.

I talked with a student a few months ago, John Boyles, just before he was 
elected to be President of Student Government at the University of Florida. 
I talked with him about the persecution my daughter is undergoing at UF just 
because she believes the Bible that homosexual behavior is sinful.  He 
confided to me that he applied for a Rhodes scholarship to study theology at 
Oxford.  He was turned down because he argued in his oral examination / 
interview that the idea of Intelligent Design should be considered in the 
classroom.  If this was a non-issue, these professors of theology would have 
tolerated his creationist convictions.  I wish I could convey to you the 
grief this man carried over his own religious persecution by those who would 
not have him study theology because he believed intelligent design theories 
should be considered in school.

I truly believe that these modern theologians assume that scientists are 
well studied in origins and are deeply convicted about the truth of 
evolutionary processes and the absurdity of the teaching of Genesis.  When 
the truth comes out, they will be the ones who will be greatly embarrassed 
in the day of our Lord.  The philosopher Thomas Khun was right in how he 
depicted the way science really operates.  These theologians who object to 
Creationist models of origins should pay attention to him just a little bit 

David Miller

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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