A couple of notes from having been doing this for several years now...

> Adam and I will try to come up with a fair way to do so (maybe like a door 
> prizes thing were everyone gets a number).

A. Have a *numbered* attendance sign-up sheet. This does two things:
   1. Tells you who and how many people attended.
      Add a column for email address for more fun.
      Add a Y/N column for "first time" for more fun.
      Add a Y/N column for mailing list sign-up for more fun.
    2. Gives you a numbered list of attendees.
B. Obtain a suitably random number among those on the signup sheet.
C. That person wins the prize, and gets to pick the *NEXT* "random" number.
D. Repeat. Give away prizes in *LEAST* valuable to *MOST* valuable order.

E. Make your own "free" stuff - CDs of any distro you like.
   1. Take requests.
   2. Use CD-RW media and ask to recycle.
   3. Using CD-RW media is useful for distro beta releases.

> P.S. If you can think of any other companies I can nag for free stuff,
> let me know. (OSDN, BSD?)

Contact Kara Pritchard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Kara is in charge of the LPI's User Group
Development initiative, has been running LUCI and SILUG with her husband Steven
Pritchard for years, and knows *LOTS* of VIPs in these Linux and Open Source 
companies. They also host http://www.archlug.org/ for us down in "Tha Lou", 
and generously provide numerous awesome mirrors (ftp://ftp.silug.org/) on a 
half-*terabyte* (500GB) of storage and a T1 to get it to you.

You may also recognize her name on the older Red Hat Exam Cram book from the 
company formerly known as Coriolis. You may also see her name on the 
soon-to-be-released 2nd Edition of the "LPI in a Nutshell" book from the 
company still known as O'Reilly.



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