> Stanley,Michael P. wrote:
> >I just don't think you see it.  This still forces a developer to know
> >the URL of the jar -
> >"http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/ant/jars/ant-1.4.1.jar";.
> >
> >What happens if the dependency moves.  Every POM that has that
> >URL fails.
> >
> ><dependency>
> >  <id>ant</id>
> >  <version>1.4.1</version>
> >  <groupId>org.apache</groupId>
> ></dependency>
> >
> >This tells me everything I need to get to the repository (regardless
> >where it is, or how the PRS is organized!)
> >
> >
> I don't think you see it either. I am perfectly aware that adding a
> layer of indirection to looking up something allows you to get
> you like.  I am not proposing removing this ability with the URL
> I am proposing that I can just specify the URL if I know where the
> something is.

Your right I didn't get it :-).  I can see how this would be useful for
a single developer, but for this to work across a team - they would need
to have the same file:/// structure.  (or corporate fileserver mapped to
the same point).  And if you change it to use http:/// or another
protocol you fall under the same fate - to a move in the repository.  

> For example on my PC right now I have javamail jars in
> "file:///lon_fp1/developers/packages/javamail-1.3/lib/imap.jar" (etc)
> being used by ant-based projects. In order to use this in maven right
> now, I'd have to copy it, rename it, or provide metadata for it. Why?
> /know/ this file isn't going to move off the corporate fileserver. Why
> can't I just write:
> <dependency>
>     <id>imap</id>
> <location>file:///lon_fp1/developers/packages/javamail-
> 1.3/lib/imap.jar</location>
> </dependency>

Yeah, I understand what you are getting at now.  
> Does this stop you writing metadata for other packages? No. Does it
> the project up and running faster? Yes.

Faster is debatable :-)

> Will this break in the future? eg, lon_fp1 gets replaced by lon_fp2.
> Actually, no, it doesn't. Not if I can provide an equivalent location
> for that URL, e.g:
> maven.repo.remote=file:///lon_fp2/developers/maven
> file:///lon_fp1/developers/maven
> (see comments below about uses of mirrors...)
> >The Ant project can name the resource foobar and put it in their
> >folder.  It doesn't matter.  The contract is on the Dependency ID and
> >the Group ID and optionally the version and artifact.
> >
> >Give me a situation this doesn't hold true on.
> >
> >
> Of course there isn't one. Indirection is a panacea. But its a panacea
> with a cost.

What's the cost?  There is a cost with everything of course, and I'm
trying to minimize cost through design and discussions.  With a default
base structure, and optional meta-data for extensibility purposes, I
think this becomes is a minimal cost solution.

> >What I'm proposing can not be compared to Mirrors.  Mirrors are good
> >distributing load, and providing faster resources based on
> >location.  However, they do not provide a de-centralized service.
> >is big difference to the Maven build system and Linux distribution
> >sites.  The Maven repository/dependency resolution system should not
> >imitate distro-sites.
> >
> Its a different aspect of mirrors that interests me. The file
> of silos, repos - whatever you care to call them - within sets of
> mirrors is identical. I can try to get the same file from a selection
> mirrors (even incomplete mirrors) by using the same relative path.
> you know the url to a file on one of a set of mirrors, its trivial to
> find out if its on any of the others.


I'm arguing to utilize the DNS protocol to determine this base path.
> To achieve the same effect purely with metadata you need to have an
> entire catalog for the repository in your metadata, or equivalently a
> lookup service (eg LDAP, as you say). I'm not saying you can't do this
> stuff with metadata. What I am saying is that the observation that
> repositories are currently mirrors (in the sense of sharing the same
> structure) is useful as it allows us to take eg:

I'm not saying there needs to be a repository meta-data.  The repository
should be structured from groupID (series of sub-directories matching
reverse domain pattern).  

> maven.repo.remote=http://www.ibiblio.org/maven
> file:///lon_fp1/developers/maven
> and from that determine that:
> http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/ant/jars/ant-1.4.1.jar
> belongs in this set of mirrors (it starts with the name of one of the
> mirrors) and thus may also be available at:
> file:///lon_fp1/developers/maven/ant/jars/ant-1.4.1.jar

Is this any different than how the lookup works today?  local -> remote

> Knowing that I can work with mirrors this way is what /lets me/
> a dependency as an URL and still manage to get it from multiple repos.
> It also allows me to observe that this use of URLs would allow for
> of mirrors with /different/ URL structures, the structures only being
> equivalent within each set  (and this does 'decentralize' repo stuff).
> Splitting the local repo to have a separate per-repo cache allows me
> avoid name clashes on downloaded artifacts without requiring metadata
> exist. Once we have the metadata and some global naming strategy we
> could get the same thing, but the cache structure prevents us ever
> having name clashes, and can be put in place right now. (after
> the 15 plugins that 'know' the structure of maven.repo.local)

Ok I see what you are talking about with cache's and /different/ URL
structures.  I don't see a benefit to having different repo structures.
I think some naming guidelines (unique namespace for a Project's
Repository Space) is desired. 

You solution does address complete repository/directory flexibility, and
addresses collisions from different repositories.  Personally, I don't
see a benefit in this flexibility.  I think some restricted structure is

> I think the two proposals can coexist. I think the role of metadata,
> among other things, will be to resolve ids, versions to 'real' urls;
> that point maven will attempt to download the URL from /equivalent
> mirrors/ for that URL, in the users order of preference; for each
> it tries, it will first check the cache, then download a copy to the
> cache if none exists; finally the location of the file in the cache is
> returned. However, I can get straight URL dependencies to work even if
> the metadata doesnt exist.

This definitely can coexists with the DNS portion of my proposal.
However, the other part of my proposal is looking for a "standard" base
structure based on groupID (namespaces based on reverse domain names).
The base structure will point to the Project's Repository Space.  In
this there will be a default structure and naming convention as well,
but this can be overridden with the presence of a meta file.  

> Anyway, enough. I need to put up or shut up, I'll get some coding

Nonsense ;-)  It is definitely beneficial to talk about design in plain
English rather than in code.

- Mike

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