
I am developing some plugins that we will use internally across a variety of
projects that we are migrating to Maven. As a result, I am constantly
testing these plugins by invoking the "plugin:install" goal. However, I have
noticed from time to time that some goals in the new version of the plugin
do not work properly with Maven because the Maven's various caches contain
old info. I wish that I could provide a more definitive test scenario than
this, but hopefully you get the idea. In the meantime, I have found that if
I delete all of the *.cache and .processed files from Maven's plugin
directory tree, I am guaranteed that the goals of the new version of the
plugin will be registered and work properly. I have encapsulated this logic
into the following postgoal:

  <postGoal name="plugin:install">
    <attainGoal name="plugin:clean-cache" />

    description="Cleanup Maven's cached info on plugins and goals" >
    <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" verbose="false">
      <fileset dir="${maven.home}/plugins">
        <include name="*.cache"/>
        <include name="**/.processed" />
        <include name="${pom.artifactId}-*/**" />
        <exclude name="${maven.final.name}.jar" />

This postgoal also guarantees 2 other issues I found:
 - If I have eliminated files from my plugin, the postgoal guarantees that
they are also eliminated from the plugin's expansion directory.
 - If I change the version number of my plugin, the postgoal properly
deletes any previous version from the plugins directory and thereby avoids

So far, this is working well for us. But, I am curious whether there is a
better approach for handling the iterative development, installation, and
testing of plugins.

David Zeleznik
ILOG - Changing the rules of business

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