Thanks, this makes it clearer. 

However - I cannot find documentation on the Jelly syntax one should use for
Maven scripts. I am used to Ant, and Maven (Jelly) takes a dislike to a lot
of my code (as I can see from the maven.log). Any suggestions, apologies if
I have missed something obvious.


-----Original Message-----
From: James CE Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 March 2003 18:10
Subject: Re: WAR building

> Does anyone have an example maven.xml & project.xml which builds a .war
> that I could review please? This would greatly boost my understanding
> and get me started.

I don't have a simple one that I can post but I can offer some words of

You don't need anything in your maven.xml to build a war file. In fact,
you don't even *need* a maven.xml. The goal war:war is in the existing
plugin and will create target/MyStuf.war for you.

In your project.xml:

Give your project an id:

And a version:

Specify jarfiles that need to be in the warfile thusly:
   ... other <dependency> elements ...

Specify your source location thusly:

You'll also need src/webapp/WEB-INF with the "normal" webapp stuff. eg --
web.xml, jboss-web.xml (if applicable), struts-config.xml (if you're doing
struts), etc... But you should already have these if you've built war
files for webapps before.

That should get you started.

> Many Thanks,
> Euan

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