Hi everybody,

is there a sane way to set plugin properties dynamicly
something like:
<j:set var="pluginContext" value="${pom.getPluginContext('maven-java-plugin')}" />
<!-- I know it's called setProperties -->
<j:setAttributes object="${pluginContext}" maven.final.name="common_basics-${pom.currentVersion}"
maven.jar.excludes="**/servlet/*, **/*Bean.class"

I also tried:
<j:set var="dummy" value="${pom.getPluginContext('maven-java-plugin').setVariable('xxx', 'yyy')}" />

which works as long as yyy is hardcoded, which doensn't help me in my case,
what I need, but what doesn't work is for example
<j:set var="dummy" value="${pom.getPluginContext('maven-java-plugin').setVariable('maven.final.name', 'common_basics-${pom.currentVersion}')}" />
(btw. why do I have to use this dummy variable?)

or maybe something like
<attainGoal name="java:jar">
<param name="maven.final.name" value="common_basics-${pom.currentVersion}"/>
but as far as I know (can't find the werkz tag documentation right now) parameteres are not supported.

I was wondering, since it seems so difficult to do that, it's probably discouraged in the first place.
The reason why I want to do that is, because I don't get over the limitation that one project should only
produce one end result. My project produces a
war file, two or more jars, an ear file that contains all the other files.
It seems like I just can't get there in a mavenish way.
OK I could just translate my ant scripts, but what do I have all these nice plugins for,
if I have to replicate have of the functionality in my maven.xml (i.e. ant's build.xml translated).
Do I really have to split my project into chunks in order to mavenize it?

Thanks for shareing any ideas,



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