On 12/8/05, Jonathan LaCour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The images you sent are certainly an improvement, but I share the
> sentiment with several others that I have heard that think
> TurboGears's branding isn't very good.  I think Django and Rails both
> have better logos, color schemes, websites, and general branding.
> This isn't to knock the hard work of those who worked on the current
> site and branding, just an observation.  Its not even the information
> on the site, its mostly the presentation.


> I think that Rails has evidenced how important branding is,
> especially when it comes to web development.  I would love to see
> TurboGears do what Rails did, and have a branding campaign as part of
> the push towards 1.0.  Pay a really, genuinely good designer (like
> Jon Hicks, in the case of Rails) to help us lowly programmers brand
> TurboGears.  This is an investment in the future of the project and
> would draw in more users, and contributers.

I agree again that this is very important. I wanted to start with a
call to the 800+ people in this google group to see what resources
might be available here. I have an idea how much it costs to get a
good designer, but I'm fairly leveraged as it is.

Stepping up a level: if we had unlimited resources here, who would you
go to for logo and site design? I'm fond of the work done for
Firefox/Thunderbird for the Mozilla Foundation, but I don't know who
did that. (I'm sure I can find out...) Does anyone else have some
particularly inspiring designers to consider?


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