Well, now that we are on the topic, I think that something that would make a big difference is making the front page more accesible. In fact, those are not the correct words, what I mean is "make the content more accesible to the user". For example, the trac page can only be found after you navigated inside a few links, and that, for someone with the attention span of a mosquito (my case) is too much.

Besides that, I like the new logo. In fact I think that the 'G' there is enough as logo, because using the whole 'TurboGears" thing seems overkill (and in my opinion a tad skinny, logos now come in extra-extra-bold). Of course, I'm just a mere mortal more akin to programming than design, so any designer's view on this should automatically override my opinion.

And last (but not least) I think that a little demo application, even the 20mn wiki, running on the server would make a lot of difference. Static pages are nice when you don't have something like TG to make them dynamic ;)


Kevin Dangoor wrote:

The TurboGears community has grown by leaps and bounds over what it
was when Sebastian did the inner templates for the current site. I
have a bunch of ideas for what should go into the site now, and it's
time to think about what the site should look like for 0.9/1.0.

Karl Guertin has an opening salvo: a revised logo:
Black/White full size:

Site header:

I'd be interested in hearing about logo redesigns, but there's one
thing I think needs to be kept: the G-gear (as Karl has done).
TurboGears has already built up some branding, and I think tossing the
G-gear would be a mistake. But, I'm interested in seeing ideas that
people have.

I know that most people on the list are programmers... but some of you
are also good designers or know good designers. Let's see what we can

Ronald Jaramillo also sent me an idea he had for a new site header. It
was very spiffy (maybe he'll send a link to the list?).

So, if you've got an idea for a change to the logo or site template,
now's the time!


Kevin Dangoor
Author of the Zesty News RSS newsreader

company: http://www.BlazingThings.com
blog: http://www.BlueSkyOnMars.com

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