> The 'O' in turbo is just begging to be cog-ified, too

I'm a little wary of over complicating this one, to many fancy-fied
letters in a logo like this loose the focus.

- http://koorb.co.uk/static/images/tglogos/og-red.png
- http://koorb.co.uk/static/images/tglogos/og-blue.png
- http://koorb.co.uk/static/images/tglogos/og-green.png
- http://koorb.co.uk/static/images/tglogos/og-orange.png

I also did some mini buttons - which are surprisingly hard to do!

- http://koorb.co.uk/static/images/tglogos/buttons-blue.png
- http://koorb.co.uk/static/images/tglogos/buttons-red.png

So these were done before I read the latest comments though

> write TurboGears on the gear
> bronze colored gear

I will give that a go this week.

I am leaning toward simple more. I'm told that a rule of thumb for a
good logo is that it is recognisable in silhouette. Ruby on rails isn't
strictly but the basic shapes are. Django certainly is. Firefox,
different thing cos it's an application icon. I did a wonderful
analysis of their logo for you guys:

- http://koorb.co.uk/static/images/tglogos/firefox-analysis.png

The simpler it is, the easier it is to use everywhere and the quicker
people will recognise it. I did a couple of *minor* tweaks to the
layout also.  everything so far is here:

- http://koorb.co.uk/static/images/tglogos/

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