On 12/22/05, Kevin Dangoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm thinking that letting a little bit of
> what's going on (like 1 commit, 1 email message, 1 ticket, etc.) leak
> out to the front page will help convey that this is an active and
> moving project.

The problem here is that commits, messages, and tickets generally
don't stand on their own so unless you have a few (3 is generally the
magic number) it isn't worth the space required to set them up and put
them in context and they generally wind up just as visual noise.

I understand what you're getting at, basically part of the appeal of
this project is the rate at which it moves and you want the pitch to
capture that as part of the pitch without explicitly saying so. I'm
sure Richard or I will get something that works for that, but it
probably won't be just one item of each type.

> Providing something better
> for the community than what exists today is important, but the
> TurboGears regulars will have no problem clicking 1 link (or even
> bookmarking a page like the dashboard, if they like staying up to date
> that way)


You know you want it.

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