In keeping with TurboGears move to allow plugins for templates, I've added support to the Identity framework for IdentityProvider plugins. The one change to your config files is that if you're currently specifying the identity.provider via fully qualified class name, you'll need to change to the plugin name:


This is the default SqlObjectIdentityProvider that ships with TurboGears. At some point, it would be nice to have an LDAP provider and someone mentioned an IMAP provider. These would just be EGGs that get installed.

As a side note, I also changed the default model classes TG_User, TG_Group, and TG_Permission to be InheritableSQLObjects. This means you can extend the default model rather than create a whole new model.


Jeff Watkins

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."

-- Albert Einstein

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