Justin Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I wrote previously:
>  > I've still got some decisions to make such as FastCGI vs mod_python -
>  > anybody have the pro's and con's between these two?
> Sorry, after doing some Googling and looking around it appears I should 
> be considering SCGI rather than FastCGI.

I dunno how all of that will play with FirstClass (TG + WSGI) since this is
looking like it will be the future...

Anyway, the best thing you should do is benchmarking *your* application.  And
you should also think about using mod_proxy, CP is pretty good and fast but
combined with Apache's cache it goes even farther than one would expect.  One
advantage of using such a configuration is not having to take Apache down to
upgrade your TG website (at least I'm used to use more than one application
here, so instead of taking all of them down I just restart the TG app and it
is updated ;-)). 

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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