Simon Laws wrote:
Simon, I have some strange things going on with my distribution build

which is affecting the way the manifests are build. Am investigating this
now but have to drop off the network til the morning.

Also, are you also building ant scripts also? I'm going to try and make a
few more so let me know which ones you are doing if you are doing some.

In the ant scripts I made for M2, I used a slightly different pattern
for the "compile" step that eliminates the two <copy> steps that you
are using.  This pattern uses <fileset> and <metainf> elements within
the <jar> task.  I have tested this pattern within your script and it
works fine.  I suggest that you use this pattern in the new scripts
that you are making.  Here's an example of this pattern:

    <target name="compile" depends="init">
        <javac srcdir="src/main/java"
        <jar destfile="target/sample-calculator.jar" basedir="target/classes">
            <fileset dir="src/main/resources"/>
            <metainf dir='.' includes="LICENSE.txt,NOTICE.txt"/>
                <attribute name="Main-Class" 

Note the different <classpath> from the one that you used.  I could not
get tuscany-sca-manifest.jar to work for me either at compile time or
at runtime.  I may have been doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what.

For the <run> target, because of my problems with tuscany-sca-manifest.jar,
I needed to use the following:

    <target name="run" depends="compile">
        <java classname="calculator.CalculatorClient"
                <pathelement location="target/sample-calculator.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/axiom-impl-1.2.4.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/jetty-util-6.1.0.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/commons-logging-1.1.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/jaxb-api-2.0.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/XmlSchema-1.3.1.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/jetty-6.1.0.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/catalina-6.0.10.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/stax-api-1.0.1.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/axis2-kernel-1.2.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/wstx-asl-3.2.0.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/coyote-6.0.10.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/juli-6.0.10.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="../../lib/axiom-api-1.2.4.jar"/>

I'd like to resolve the problems with tuscany-sca-manifest.jar before
I make any more of these.  The above code doesn't feel good to me.


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