Hi Ant,

I have just about one change around renaming the moudle 'sca-definitions' to
'definitions' and the associated artifacts from 'sca-definitions' to
'tuscany-definitions'.  I have all changes made locally and am just about to


- Venkat

On 9/17/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can we have a change freeze in the branch please while we take stock of
> where we are.
> There's so many changes going on still everytime i update to get the final
> thing to review by the time i've checked out there's new commits :(
> Could everyone who has more to do please reply now saying what changes
> they
> still want to make and when they think they'll be done by so we can asses
> whats important enough to still go in 1.0.
>    ...ant

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