ant elder wrote:
Can we have a change freeze in the branch please while we take stock of
where we are.

There's so many changes going on still everytime i update to get the final
thing to review by the time i've checked out there's new commits :(

Could everyone who has more to do please reply now saying what changes they
still want to make and when they think they'll be done by so we can asses
whats important enough to still go in 1.0.


I just committed my last change under revision r576303. No more changes from me for now.

I'm deploying and trying the Webapp samples on both Tomcat 6.0.14 and WebSphere, so far so good...

Would be good if somebody could try on Geronimo as well.

I will be around and testing for another hour or so, I will create JIRAs for any significant issue I find.


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