+1 to the idea, would like to help but not sure if i'll get to it
immediately, its not completely trivial but we should be able to do it with
a bit of refactorying in the axis binding. Its getting set on always by our
TuscanyAxisConfigurator class.


On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> In the latest binding-ws-axis2 code, we always have module "rampart"
> activated in [1]. Consequently, rampart gets on the way for all Axis2 based
> binding.ws invocations. The worst part is that one of the rampart handlers
> try to read some data from the SOAP envelope and it forces the whole
> OMElement to be fully loaded before it is sent to the HTTP. This behavior
> pretty much defeats the performance optimization I'm working on to wrap JAXB
> objects into a SourcedOMElement so that the JAXB objects will only be
> serialized once when the message is sent to the HTTP connection.
> I understand rampart is configured to support WS-Security. But I don't
> think we should always pay the penalty in the cases where WS-Security is not
> required at all. Is there an option to turn on/off Rampart conditionally
> (maybe by some code in tuscany-policy-security-ws)?
> Thanks,
> Raymond
> [1]
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/java/sca/modules/binding-ws-axis2/src/main/resources/org/apache/tuscany/sca/binding/ws/axis2/engine/config/axis2.xml

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