Hi All,
I m new to JMS, I have a question regarding a JMS client means How can i
access Tuscnay JMS service remotely.
I have refered sample from
deployed it on WS with instruction given on README file. It was working fine
and i can access a client jsp given with the sample.
so in binding.ws i can pass a service url and access the service from my
client which was remote means on diff machine.
So how can it be possible with binding.jms ?
Ex. I have one Sample service which was deployed on machine X and port 8080
so my service address is like
http://X:8080/MyService/MyComponent <http://x:8080/MyService/MyComponent>
so this is the url where wsdl was generating.

now from client side (which was on machine Y) scdl i have following kinda

<component name="ClientComponent">
  <implementation.java class="com.sample.Client" />
  <reference name="service" />

 <reference name="service" promote="ClientComponent/service">
  <interface.java interface="com.sample.MyService" />

so I want same kinda sample for binding.jms
has anybody try this ?

Nishant Joshi

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