On 10/12/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think this goes back to what I describing earlier in this thread, if
> we want to support WARs as a first class SCA contribution type we have
> to consider artifacts stored in JARs under WEB-INF/lib as integral part
> of the Web Archive like other artifacts in the WAR. We'll need to open
> these JARs and process them like the rest of the artifacts in the WAR.
> Doing this will help Nishant and all others running Tuscany on WebLogic.

Ok but from what was said earlier ("we would have to consider this carefully
as allowing for nested archives may cause all kinds of complications") it
doesn't sound like it will be a really quick thing to fix. It looks like
WebLogic always creates a jar from the classes folder with a fixed name -
_wl_cls_gen.jar - so how about just have some special case code to deal with
that one specific jar for now just to get Tuscany running on WebLogic?


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