On Feb 7, 2008 6:35 AM, Chandrashekhar Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
>    The current script implementation examples deal with function calls.
>  What if the as in the case of Ruby we have classes, and the methods have
> parameters which are in turn Ruby objects.  Does the current Ruby Script
> implementation handle this case.  If so, do we have an example which
> illustrates this use case.
> thanks in advance
> regards,
> chandra
The current code doesn't support this but we could fix it, how about adding
a class attribute to the scdl, for example:

        <tuscany:implementation.script script="helloworld.rb" class="Hello"

would that do what you need?

Passing in parameters that are Ruby objects should be possible in some
circumstances, what would be creating the parameter objects - another Ruby
component or something else?


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