In terms of your question I mean the latter - to invoke the computed
policies from a custom BindingInvoker (if the runtime isn't going to set
up an interceptor to do it for me).
But I was under the impression that the
PolicySetAttachPoint.getPolicySets() API related only to the model, and
that the result of computation/resolution was stored somewhere else -
hence my question.
Are you saying that the process of policy computation actually updates
the policy sets attached to e.g. a Binding?  If so, then there is no
problem - my binding invoker can clearly get them at invocation time.
But I find that surprising.


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Laws [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 21 April 2008 16:03
Subject: Re: Query: invocation-time access to reference policies

Hi Steve, some comments in line


On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 12:39 PM, Steve Chamberlain <

> Hi,
> Could someone please give me a clue about invocation-time access to
> policies resulting from Intents and/or PolicySets attached to a custom
> reference binding?

When you say "invocation-time" access do you mean you need to access
information from a component implementation or are you trying to get at
from a new extension implementation.

If the latter then you should be able to get at the resolved policy
information using the binding object in question, for example, the SCA
binding is defined as follows

public class SCABindingImpl implements SCABinding, Extensible,
PolicySetAttachPoint, OptimizableBinding {
      public List<PolicySet> getPolicySets() {
        return policySets;

Once the model has gone through the composite build phase you can get
computed policysets for a binding directly.

If the former then there is currently no API to get at information in
underlying model from the component implementation.

> For implementation policies, I observe that the runtime sets up a
> PolicyHandlingInterceptor in the invoker chain, which invokes relevant
> PolicyHandlers (e.g. the JaasAuthenticationPolicyHandler) before and
> after.  But this model does not appear to apply to policies on
> references or bindings: applying the JAAS policy to a reference or
> binding appears to fail.  The WS binding does not seem to include
> anything equivalent to the policy handler, and how the
> helloworld-ws-secure sample actually implements the computed policies
> so far a mystery to me.

Yes,  I notice that there are several models that are used for enacting
policy depending on how the policy is implemented. It's also not clear
in my
mind what dictates which policies can be applied where. I'm assuming
is going to jump in here and share that information but I'll dig into it
as I'm interested to know the ins and outs of this.

> Any pointers would be much appreciated.
> Many thanks
> Steve Chamberlain
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