Am Sonntag, 1 Juni 2008 schrieben Sie:

>Yes, org.osgi.framework is exported from the OSGi container. If 
you are running Tuscany outside of OSGi and using <implementation.
osgi/>, the embedded Felix runtime started by Tuscany will export 
org.osgi.framework version 1.3.0. So your bundle should be able 
to import this package if you haven't specified any version in your 
import or if the version range specified in your import includes 
1.3.0. Could you cut-and-paste the full exception stack trace from 
your failure?
>On 5/30/08, Yevgeniy Melnichuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>hy!i would like to use Tuscany to expose services from my OSGi-Bundles,
but iget a BundleException, because Felix can't resolve org.osgi.
framework. I
>thougth a OSGi-Container would provide this package - isn't it so?I 
tested my OSGi-Bundle with Eclipse/Equinox and it worked fine.My 
project consists of following files,osgi-service.composite:
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><composite xmlns="http://www."  xmlns:t="
>  name="SomeComposite">     <component name="SomeComponent">    
<t:implementation.osgi           bundleSymbolicName="com.sample.
myBundle" />     </component>
></composite>com.sample.myBundle.componentType:<?xml version="1.0" 
encoding="UTF-8"?><componentType xmlns="
>  xmlns:t="";>  <service name="com.
sample.SomeService">     <        interface="com.sample.
SomeServiceInterface" />
>  </service></componentType>and a Main-Class with the following 
main-method:public static void main(String[] args) {  SCADomain domain 
= SCADomain.newInstance("osgi-service.composite");
>  MotdService service = domain.getService(MotdService.class,    
"SomeComponent/com.sample.SomeService");  /* do something with the 
service */}Does anybody knows whats my problem? do i have to provide 
a bundle,
>which exports the org.osgi.framework package myself?Thx for your 
answers,Eugene-- Thank you...Regards,Rajini 

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