Serguei wrote:
> When I tried using uniObjects DLL I found that there are
> problems creating several database connections from the
> same application (this is what one normally has to do).
> This problem did not exist in Java version of uniObjects
> (and we currently use Java). 
> The connection from ASP should be the same but one has to
> think about sharing connections among users.

Approaching the issues in reverse order here:

While UniObjects is free, it has no pooling mechanism, so you need to
devise your own methods to limit the number of connections to the server
without affecting the response time back to your end-users.  mv.NET,
PDP.NET, and RedBack all have a form of connection pooling which properly
conform to DBMS product licensing, but allow you to maximize utilization of
the DBMS licenses you have, allowing a balanced N:1 ratio of end-users to
server-side licenses.

One of the ways mv.NET can connect into U2 is indeed through UniObjects,
and there is absolutely no problem with a single application making many UO
connections to a server.  In addition to supporting many telnet users, one
of our clients has 8 U2 licenses dedicated to UO connections from mv.NET,
through which about 100 users process time cards through a thick-client
application.  They were running 5 licenses but found during peak
clock-in/out time that some users had to wait a few seconds, so they added
a few licenses to flatten the load a little.  If you're writing a web
application and connecting directly with UO, UO.NET, or similar tools, then
you need to be able to handle this sort of situation on your own.

Feel free to contact me about mv.NET:

For other UniObjects connectivity, see Ian Renfrew's very cool OpenSource
Freeware, JS4U2:

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