I spent 13 years managing a 100 user Microdata (1981-1994) for a large
($85M) industrial pipe, valve & fitting (plumbing) wholesaler using custom
software from me and programmers prior. Being in NJ, (Ultimate's HQ roughly
15 miles away), we were clearly in their turf for this business.

During the mid-late 1980's, Ultimate propogated the system SHIMS (Supply
House Inventory Management System) and got a great deal of sales addressing
this market specifically. It wasn't until I left in 1994 to then realize
that SHIMS was a derivitave of the Microdata Results system.

I obtained 6 SHIMS clients from 1987-1993 and later had 5 Results clients
and they were incredibly similar in their data structures. This was probably
based on both of their origins being 4 Gary Rd and the split-up of May 1979
when Ted Sabarese got the boot. Perhaps no-one checked the outgoing
briefcases for file-save tapes.

BTW, there's another derivitive called IDS (Industrial Data Systems) that's
also based on Results. I also had another client using a renamed Results
package. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?

None of my SHIMS clients were on RS6000's. They were all on standard single
rack proprietary OS true-Ultimate systems (Honeywells). I only got involved
with RS6000's from 1993 through 2003.

Slowly during the 1990's my SHIMS clients were absorbed by larger, more
national plumbing wholesalers, thus dead-ending the Pick systems. Now I have
zero. I still have 4 Results clients.

I remained in contact with some of the SHIMS guys who stuck around (more
business than IT guys) with one having switched to Eclipse. Based on his
info, I didn't care that much for Eclipse as it seemed to be yet again
another Pick 4GL that, as an outside consultant, I can't justify
specializing in.

I don't know if SHIMS is still around. I know that Results died with
Microdata (et al) but the code still lingers with 4 of my clients.

My 2 cents.
Mark Johnson
----- Original Message -----
From: "Clifton Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 11:46 AM
Subject: [U2] Fwd: Ultimate users

> Posted on behalf of Henry Keultjes.
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: Henry Keultjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: August 11, 2006 7:20:27 PM PDT
> > To: Clif Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Ultimate users
> >
> > Clif:
> >
> > Would you mind posting this to the U2 list?
> >
> > Henry
> >
> > There used to be quite a few plumbing wholesalers on Ultimate on RS/
> > 6000 machines.  I would like to know about any and all of those and
> > what they migrated to,  if they are not still on the same system.
> >
> > Henry Keultjes hbkeultjesatearthlinkdotnet
> > Database Scientifics Project http://www.ncolug.org/ppc.htm
> > Mansfield Ohio USA
> -------
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