Thanks for the correction. Yes E (or Eet) is not any DE, my mistake it  
is only a WM (windows manager) which can be used with any other DE.  
Thanks Nasim for reminding me.

But now I am confused, as I have read something related to Darwin  
project and this Englightment project. Now I cannot find any article  
relating these two, I guess I was wrong.

By the way, on E all OS X short-cut keys work, isn't it? Or is it just  
a gOS implementation?

Another correction. On April 20 a stable version (1.0.0) was released.  
So it is not in beta phase any more.  (I didn't know this, sorry :p)

On May 14, 2008, at 3:35 PM, Nasimul Haque wrote:

> On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 3:12 AM, raihan hasnain <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
>> Enlightenment is a darwin based DE, therefore having a native dock!
> Just a little correction. E is not based on Darwin, which is the
> kernel of Mac OS X. Actually, none of the Window Managers depend on
> any kernel. They are dependent only on the X server. E basically is
> not a DE. It does not have the integrated software with it. You need
> it integrate everything by yourself. It is the prettiest window
> manager in the world. While E project started on 1996, Darwin was born
> on 2000. So you see E is not based on Darwin.
> I used it as my primary desktop and loved it until Ubuntu came into
> the screen. I still sometimes login into it while I want to see some
> eye-candy but do not want to hamper my CPU and RAM. Believe me, it's
> eye candy is astonishing. Unlike compiz you do not need a 3D graphics
> card for this to run.
> There are some more window manager out there, afterstep, fluxbox, ion3
> are some of my favourite. Enjoy.
> Nasim
> -- 
> M. Nasimul Haque, M.Sc.(SUST)
> Wessex Institute of Technology
> Southampton, UK
> -- 
> ubuntu-bd mailing list

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