But calling a ban directly? Isn't that too aggressive?

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 12:56 AM, Ashickur Rahman Noor <
ashickur.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey bro,
> From one point of view he is right. We have our own privacy and they are
> breaking it. As per I am concern there is a little few in our country who
> really cares about there online privacy :).
> In other FSF blog they also have written that how to overcome this. Just
> simply stop using lens when you are online. It is the first and easiest
> solution. Then another solution they said use Ubuntu forks.
> All these thing are concern if U want your online privacy.
> On the other hand, Ubuntu the Flag Ship of GNU/Linux or Linux (what ever
> you want to say). So will try to keep this in future. And fort them MS
> windows is the biggest threat. So they are trying to creating new feature
> which are really coll but lots of bug too. So this side you can not just
> keep Ubuntu left from this community.
> For me I waiting for Ubuntu community answer regarding this issue.
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Ubuntu Bangladesh

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