Hey Samuel,

I'd be hesitant to go rooting my phone. For starters, because Android is
basically a crippled down version of Linux, in that way that it's not
made to have a seperate sudo account. So if you give yourself root
powers, any hack on your phone can touch the whole phone (and wreck it).

By rooting it, you're basically taking away the Linux security Android


On 22-12-15 17:56, 9...@skynet.be wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to view all files (also the system files) that stay on my
> android smart phone in Ubuntu. I don't know if it is smart to do, but I
> want to delete some files, because I believe there is stay some 'crap'
> on it.
> I have found 'QtADB'. Someone experience with it or know another program?
> Thanks,
> Samuel
> -------------
> Hallo,
> Ik zou graag alle bestanden (ook de systeem bestanden) die op mijn
> Android smartphone staan bekijken.
> Er staan volgens mij zaken op die er niet op hoeven te staan en deze wil
> ik eens verwijderen.
> Alvast bedankt !
> Samuel

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