I am wondering, does a factory reset, really bring your smart phone in the state it was, the first time you have use it?

Op 05-01-16 om 08:03 schreef Jan Claeys (Ubuntu):
Merlijn Sebrechts schreef op zo 03-01-2016 om 10:34 [+0100]:
Rooting the ubuntu phone is very easy. You remount the root partition
so it is writable. This doesn't have any effect on the
security/sandboxing of the apps, each app is still contained in a
container. This does allow you to use apt to install any ubuntu
application (ubuntu touch repos are the same as ubuntu desktop and
server repos).

This will likely result in breakage on some future OTA system upgrade
though, and because of that is not recommended.

If you want to install packages on an Ubuntu phone, the best option is
to create a chroot environment in the phablet user's home directory,
and install & run packages in there.

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