Mr Walker:

IAll this just begs the question:

How is Obama a 'worm', whose innocent blood is profiting off, and how?


ps: are those the sounds of donkey being ridden as far as it'll go?

Winners never quit .... but losers tend do so: giving up even before the race gets started, complaining how hot it is, how tight their shoes are, etc etc.

----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Counter point of clarity on Oboma's Speech
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 15:30:05 EDT
J Ssemakula you know what I think of you and your approach to life; we have
covered this before.  Again you are playing the same counterproductive games --
I wanted nothing from the Democrats, or Republicans then, and I want nothing
from them now.
In point of fact, just in case you did not nderstand what I said in my
response to you initally, the things you listed were precisely the kinds of things,
precisely the kind of deal, they were case you can't understand
that them let me try it this way, not everyone wants to sell their soul to the
devil and I am one of those millions who WILL, I REPEAT, WILL NEVER SELL maybe if you were to try a little harder, they would offer you
something, keep working at it...with your determination to be recognized by these kinds
of forces, I am sure you will be noticed some day, think of it this was some
day your Great White Capitalist prince will come and add you to his harem, you
can always hope...and just try harder so they will hear you....
As for the innocents who were killed by the millions so Uncle Toms like Obama
and Colin Powell and Condi RIce could buy a cadillac, to use your term, if
you don't know then I would suggest you go and read some history before you
address such topics.
Go Obama, go straight to the hell you are making for yourself and all those
like you...

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