It is called Delution -- that's what it seems the dictator is suffering from.

Matek Opoko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I reckon you are probably right in your Analysis. In politics and political theory, once you have  reached a stage wereby you need a whole Battalion of Soldiers ( armed with ant-aircraft guns, Bazookas, 0.06 Artillary..Muti purpose Machine Guns...e.t.c and travelling in battlewagons, mambas, APC) to escort the "president" say from Crested Towers to Museveni's resident in know you are pretty much done.. finished caput. Indeed , in such circumstances, the "president" becomes Paranoid .. he  begins "seeing things"  in the dark in imaginary ally...I feel for Kaguta...but then again he deserves to sleep in the bed  he has help make over the years!!!

joseph odwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This is all about the guy's fear of the eminent possibility of those guns being turned against him. He is beating around the bush to see what comes out. jO

Je Mujinga Akyererufuka Mwerefu Huenda Wapi!

From: Matek Opoko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugandacom] Politics of the Gun in Uganda
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 17:38:10 -0700 (PDT)


Museveni said, "We have been at war almost all times. We were keeping our guns in our huts and houses so that as soon as there's anything, we go to the trenches. This is a practice that has outlived its usefulness because the country is peaceful."eveni Orders Gun Crackdown

Citizens... we can only conclude that Mucebeni does not believe that Northern Uganda,  were war continues to rage,  on is not part of Uganda since after all Uganda is at "peace"

Secondly,  is not but a fact that under Yoweri Museveni Military dictatorship, the politics of "GUN VIOLENCE", kirring, wars has been NRM policy since day one...Remeber Muchakamucha...yeap..remember when the regime decided that that "THE GUN MUST BE DEMYSTIFIED...and that every able bodied Uganda should go Military training  to fight against the "Anyayas"..well..What did Kaguta expect? you train all this people how to handle guns..and when poverty bits ( as is the case in Uganda) guess who will be at the end of that Gun Barrier...!!!!!




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Felix Osike And Henry Mukasa

PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has ordered a crackdown on guns in Kampala city following a number of grisly murders of prominent people.

Museveni said the resurgence of murders was due to the "loose" storage of ammunition that allows armed forces to keep them in their "huts and houses" rather than in the armoury.

"For many years, the army and the Police were not keeping the guns in the armouries. I have already directed that the whole thing be reviewed. We should go back to the practice that all guns are kept in the armoury," he added.

The President, flanked by the Tanzania head of state, Benjamin Mkapa, was addressing a press conference at State House Nakasero at the end of Mkapa's farewell state visit.

Mkapa, who is retiring in November after serving two five-year terms, flew back to Tanzania yesterday evening.

Museveni said, "We have been at war almost all times. We were keeping our guns in our huts and houses so that as soon as there's anything, we go to the trenches. This is a practice that has outlived its usefulness because the country is peaceful."

He said the murderers of Kampala lawyer Robinah Kiyingi were arrested promptly, while the Police had informed him that it had got clues on the Sunday killers of Send-a-Cow country manger, Samwiri Naswaali in Kira town council.

Museveni said he might appoint a commission of inquiry to probe the operations of the Programme Management Unit of the Ministry of Health over the suspension of aid by the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

He said the Fund had acted "sensibly" by limiting the aid on seminars and not the offer of free anti-retroviral treatment to people living with HIV.

Mkapa said by urging "home-grown democracy" during his address to Parliament, he did not mean that constitutions should be frozen but that parameters for good governance should not only be Euro-centric.

Asked whether he would make a reciprocal farewell visit to Kenya and Tanzania soon, Museveni, after repeated chuckles, said, "Regarding my itinerary of when I will go to say bye to the people of E. Africa; that one I will arrange when time comes."

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Museveni said the adoption of the East African political federation would not lead to the dismantling of the borders.

Mkapa dismissed reports that the Tanzania Parliament had recommended that the country pulls out of the EAC because of an attempt by Museveni to seek another term in office. On Burundi, Museveni said, "The completion of the peace process vindicates the ability of Africa to solve its own problems."

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