This has brewing for a while now and here is what it came out as. 
I hope further changes is not necessary :-) 
But, do speak up if you spot something you dont like

The patches introduces these settings in unattend.txt [_meta] section: 

predosemu_cmd - System command to run before dosemu
alt_dosemu_cmd - Alternate System command to run in place of dosemu
postdosemu_cmd - System command to run after dosemu

The master script checks unattend.txt for these after install.pl has finished. 
If any of them are set, the content string is treated as a system command to 

The script "nt5x-install" is an dosemu replacement.
It has several advantages over running the windows installer in dosemu:
- Long filenames (for drivers)
- Deeper directory structures (for drivers)
- A bit faster.
- Editable bash script.

To use it, you can add
    alt_dosemu_cmd = "nt5x-install"
under the [_meta] section in your site/unattend.txt

The new files:

A directory "ntldrbin" in misc
  holds the ntldr binaries
  (ntldr_boot_code_install, ntldr_boot_code_sektor0, ntldr_boot_code_sektor12)
The ntldrbin directory and its content goes to /usr/lib in linuxaux

The bash function library for reading/writing unattend.txt
Goes to /usr/lib in linuxaux

The misc/nt5x-install script goes to /usr/bin in linuxaux

The patches:

   adds additional dd options
   add placement handling for the new files
  - moves the old dosemu bits into one 'section'
  - adds logic for reading unattend.txt and running commands
    specified by predosemu_cmd, alt_dosemu_cmd,postdosemu_cmd
  - add umount /c if mounted before restart 
   Does not do anything, unless the user decides to extend or customize 
   by extending /z/site/config.pl

nt5x-install and unatt-functions.sh is adapted from Mario Gzuk's 
unattended-gui install scripts.
The ntldr biaries is also taken from unattended-gui.

Attached is altdosemu.tar.gz. 
It contains the new files placed by directory structure.
The diffs is in archive root.

So, here goes :-)

Attachment: altdosemu.tar.gz
Description: application/tgz

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