On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 10:23:40PM +0200, Tft Tco wrote:
> I just tried the linux bootdisk with unattended 4.4b.
> it worked until the script wanted to mount the install share. that was the 
> point when it said:
> *** Trying smbmount \\myserver.local\install /z -o 
> ttl=600000,username=geust,ro
> *** smbmount did not work
> so i was checking the script, it actually does the following command:
> smbmount "\\myserver.local\install" /z -o "ttl=600000,username=geust,ro"
> if I type that in - either in linuxboot disk bash or on any other available 
> linux here, I get the info page from smbmount (wrong parameters)
> when I change the double quotes (") into single quotes (') however, the 
> whole thing seems to work - at least when I run the command by hand. I 
> didn't try to make my own bootdisk yet.
> smbmount '\\myserver.local\install' /z -o "ttl=600000,username=geust,ro"

I would suggest that the backslashes are being interpreted by your shell,
which means that by the time smbmount sees them, it looks like this:

smbmount \myserver.localnstall /z -o ttl=600000,username=geust,ro

(modulo any shell expansion of \i, which will almost certainly not produce

This is supported by the fact that single quotes makes everything OK,
because single-quotes are usually interpreted as "leave whatever is in here
right the hell alone, shell -- are you listening to me shell?  Dammit,
listen!  <smack>" and so on.

Switching backslashes for forwardslashes would work, as would doubling the
slashes, or switching double-quotes for single-quotes.

I could have sworn that the install script did one of these all by itself. 
Certainly I haven't come up against the problem.

- Matt

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