I do not do centers.  I teach 3rd grade.  They read read read!!!!!!  for 40-45 
It is great.  I have 60-65 minutes for readers' workshop (depending on the day 
of the week).
We must view young people not as empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to 
be lit. 
-Robert Shaffer
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Angie Kelley<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  To: 'Special Chat List for "To Understand: New Horizons in 
  Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 2:46 PM
  Subject: [Understand] My thoughts on Ch. 2

  React to this statement: "We may need to move away from prescribing  

  activities and groupings that may or may not meet students needs and move

  maximizing the time students have to be apprentices to more proficient

  and writers, to practice their skills and strategies, and to receive  

  individualized guidance in their learning."


  I bought To Understand this summer and began reading it in July. I only got
  through the first two chapters and I was so overwhelmed with how deep all of
  this is. It was very much how I felt after reading Mosaic of Thought. After
  being in the classroom for 11 years, I decided to take a position as reading
  coach. I only stayed in the position for two years before I returned to the
  classroom as a 6th grade reading teacher at another school.  I won't lie and
  say that my time as a reading coach was easy because it was not. However it
  was a position that really forced me to test my thinking about reading
  instruction K-up. It was very interesting to get to see how reading
  instruction works and sometimes doesn't work when you can see it happening
  from Kindergarten up. One of the areas of instruction I was constantly
  "called on the carpet" about as a reading coach was the amount of time
  students spent at centers. When I read the statement above it really made me
  pause and consider why some teachers feel so frustrated and are seeing very
  little results because they are so focused on "doing" reading workshop
  instead of teaching. It makes me wonder how much of this we as teachers
  bring on ourselves. When I went back into the classroom last year as a 6th
  grade reading teacher, I made a decision to really try and set up my reading
  time so that as many minutes as I could spare were spent in "real" reading.
  This meant that I didn't use centers with my children at all. 2-3 days a
  week I did whole group lessons in which I modeled a strategy and then
  students practiced this with their own reading. I felt it was the most
  successful year I've ever had as a teacher. In fact I feel that I'm
  struggling this year because I am being forced to use a new basal series
  that was purchased for K-6. I guess I said everything above to say
  this-Ellin is really making me think HARD about why I do what I do with the
  students I have. I know that sometimes I tend to want to give in to what is
  "expected" instead of doing what's right for my students. I'm really looking
  forward to getting further into the book. I'm especially interested in the
  Literacy Studio model. 


  Angie Kelley

  Anniston, AL




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