I am really curious about this question. Now that SO much reading is done online it is harder to "level" the reading and find just the right sites with the right reading level for the kids. A friend of mine with lots of classroom experience said that when she started using the Internet kids read what they were really interested in and that they stretched to read passages that she would have thought too high for them. What do you experience with your classes?


On page 149 Ellin argues for a more "moderate approach to book selection." She says she understands how students who consistently read things that are too
 easy or too hard can lose interest in reading but also believes that
readability formulas are very limited in utility and do not account for student schema and interest. What are your views on book selection and how do you handle this in your classroom? What is your belief system and how do you use what
you believe  to make decisions about what reading materials you use?

Janice Friesen

"An adult can't expect to teach a 6 year old how to
swim without getting wet."

We can't expect to effectively prepare students for their future education,
career, civic and personal activities without fully embracing Web 2.0 in

Quote from Nancy Willard in email

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