Elliotte> Of course, this assumes that the year 842 and Charlemagne
    Elliotte> actually existed, which turns out to be not nearly as
    Elliotte> self-evident a proposition as it seems at first glance. See, for
    Elliotte> example,
    Elliotte> http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/volatile/Niemitz-1997.pdf or at
    Elliotte> Google in HTML:
    Elliotte> --

Niemitz appears to have a revisionist agenda of some sort.  He also questions
C14 dating.  I haven't read that particular thesis yet because my technical
German is a bit rusty, but I suspect he trots out at least some of the classic
bogus claims that C14 dating is a sham.

See the sci.skeptics FAQ for C14 claim details:


I expect a serious search will turn up thorough debunkings of Niemitz' work,
if anyone bothered.

P.S. Markus, Niemitz should be filed under "volatile-comedy!"
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab                    Television has raised writing
New Mexico State University               to a new low.
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL                       -- Samuel Goldwyn
Las Cruces, NM  88003

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